

GOOD weather prevailed for the B.M.C.R.C.’s meeting which was held at the track on 12th July. The programme comprised three 25mile handicap races, a three-lap handicap and a relay race. With the exception of the three-lap event, entries were poor, with the result that the afternoon’s sport was not particularly good.

The three-lap race was run off in two heats and a final, the results being :—First heat : (1) C. B. Bickell (348 Chater-Lea), (2) W. Thorne (248 Rex-Acme), (3) J. Duncan (498 Grindlay-Peerless). Bickell’s speed was 90.22 m.p.h. Second heat : (1) C. S. Staniland (248 Rex-Acme), (2) L. J. Archer (246 New Imperial), (3) A. R. Quinn (499 Triumph). Staniland’s speed was 89.74 m.p.h. Final : (1) A. R. Quinn (Triumph), (2) C. S. Staniland (Rex-Acme), (3) L. J. Archer (New Imperial). Winner’s speed 99.01 m.p.h.

The results of the other events were as follow :25-mile Solo Handicap : (1) R. H. Hopkins (348 ChaterLea), 3m. 18s.; (2) C. B. Bickell (348 Chater-Lea), 2m. 51s.; (3) W. W. Thorne (248 Rex-Acme-Blackburne), 5m. 24s. Winner’s speed, 92.06 m.p.h. ; won by 42s.; winner receives the Holiday Cup. 25-mile Non-trade Members’ Handicap : (1) A. J. Dussek (588 Norton sc.), 3m. 27s.; (2) H. A. Howell (490 Norton), 45s.; (3) J. Duncan (498 Grindlay-Peerless-J.A.P.), scr. Winner’s speed, 79.30 m.p.h. ; won by 33s.; winner receives the Wilson Smith Cup. 25-mile Passenger Handicap : (1) V. E. Horsman (599 Triumph sc.), 36s.; (2) H. G. Birch (348 Chater-Lea sc.), 3m. 54s.; (3) A. J. Dussek (588 Norton sc.), 1 m. 57s. Winner’s speed, 85.87 m.p.h. ; won by 7s. ; winner receives the Holiday Cup. Relay Race : White team (Bickell, Grosse and Baragwanath).