The way of things



Phoenix Park.

FOR the second time the Irish Grand Prix races have been run, and it will be generally conceded by those who were fortunate enough to witness the two days’ events that they left little to be desired in the way of spectacular driving and interest. Apart from the fact that, with a representative number of famous Continental drivers, the entries were such as to make the races truly International in character, the course over which the contests were run was admirably chosen. Uncertain weather conditions, naturally provoked misgivings before the races, when it

was thought that the rain and wind would detract from the success of the events by limiting speeds. Thanks to the driving ability and spirit of the contestants, however, these forebodings did not materialise. And here we would offer our congratulations to the winners. Victor Gillow, with his Riley, drove a magnificent. if somewhat hectic race, while Rudolf Caracciola drove as only he himself can. At the same time, we would offer our sympathy to Captain Waite, who, through some extraordinary mistake, was “flagged in ” a lap too soon, and thus lost third place. This mis-wielding of CONT ENTS’ rAllt

AIR. The King’s Cup Race … Slipstreams Gliding Gossip and News

WATER. The Sport Afloat

A Four-Stroke Outboard IF;ngine The London-to-Cowes Race … • • • . • • The Way of Things


The Irish International Grand Prix … The Belgian Grand Prix

Sporting Cars on the Road … The International Grand Prix

A One Make Meeting … Club News The Grand Prix de la ‘Marne

Great Racing I anifles… Shelsley W:Lish

The Wash Speedway … Rumblings The Mc;, Six (Mark I) The “Double Twelve” M.G. Midget “Sports Models Only Trials By Night Items of Interest Here and There rAllt … 3 4 12 16 18 19 20 21 22 27 30 32 35 38 40 43 53 54 45 … 47 … 48

the checkered flag was the only hitch in an otherwise perfect organisation.

The Schneider Contest.

JUST recently a considerable amount of publicity has been given to the so-called crisis between Italy and France and this country regarding next year’s Schneider Trophy Race. Briefly, the position is that our friends do not agree to the revised rule, made last January, that challengers for the Trophy must deposit a sum of ap

proximately £1,600 for each machine entered, and assert that this deposit should remain at £45. They sent to the Royal Aero Club their official entry of three machines, together with the deposit at the 1929 rate, but this the Royal Aero Club has declined.

The outcome of this matter remains to be seen, but everyone will hope that the responsible officials will see to it that a satisfactory agreement may be brought about, not only because the Schneider Contest is the greatest of all aviation events, but because any difference of opinion in matters of this sort: between nations, is distasteful in the world of sport.