Club News, August 1930




The Midnight Social Run is to be held. this year on the 16th of this month, starting at midnight from the Hunton Bridge Filling Station (far end of the Watford Bye-pass, Herts).

Any motorist is welcome to join the party, if they will be good enough to inform the Hon. Sec. beforehand.

Breakfast will be taken at Lulworth Cove, and after this several impromptu events, of a competitive nature, will be arranged. The party will return to London on the evening of Sunday, the 17th.

All communications to the Hon. Sec. : Mr. W. E. J. Kentish, ” Broxbourne,” Essex Road, Watford, Herts.


A week-end run to Devon is planned for August Bank Holiday week-end, starting at 3 p.m. on the Saturday.

Other August fixtures are the Captain’s Run, on the 17th (10.30 a.m.), and a run to Clacton, on the 31st (10.30 a.m.).


The second annual Sporting Trial for the Scott Challenge Trophy and. the

Shepherd Rose Bowl will take place on August 3rd, starting at 1 p.m., from The Licks, Otley, Yorkshire.

Mr. C. H. Wood, of the Scott Motor Cycle Co., Saltaire, has joined forces with Mr. T. G. Meeten, of Dorking, in the organization and running of this event, and full particulars can be obtained from either of these joint organizers.

The event proved the most popular of the Two-Stroke Club’s programme last year, and for 1930 it has been decided to increase the number of observed sections and to decrease the number of close checks, which should have the effect of giving an ultra lightweight, well ridden, just as good an opportunity of winning the premier award as any other type. The marking is both on riding and on time, and a short time section will be used in the event of a tie.

The 1930 route will cover well nigh entirely new ground and will be even more interesting than last year’s event, whilst the time section chosen is one in which the baby machine should stand an especially good chance owing to its ease of handling. A southern party will leave Hatfield on Saturday evening, August 2nd, for the run up to Yorkshire, where special

reserved accommodation is available, the return journey being made on August Monday.

Entries should be sent to Mr. T. G. Meeten, care of Meeten Motors, 41, South Street, Dorking, Surrey.


Results of the recent touring trial have now been announced and. are as under :— Martin Walter Trophy and Replica, P. R. Guest (New Imperial) ; Walter Geering Trophy and Replica, F. G. Thompson (Calthorpe) ; Gold Centre Medal, T. E. Webb (Rudge) ; Silver Medal, A. A. Webb (Ariel) ; Bronze Medal, G. Oakley (Velocette) ; P. and H. Spotlight, P. G. Thompson.


We are informed that this club has made application to the A.-C.U. for affiliation and that a few new members are required. At present only social events are catered for, but in the near future, upon reorganization, there will be fixtures to attract the competition rider.

Particulars ‘of the club are obtainable from the hon. secretary, Mr. R. TWiSS, 51, Brighton Road, Stoke Newington.