A One-Make Meeting.


A One-Make Meetin

Lagonda’s Fete at Brooklands.

GIVEN the necessary organisation and support, a race meeting can be seen at its best when all the spectators have a personal interest in the cars which are running, and nowhere is this seen more clearly than at a “onemake “meeting at Brooklands. Such was the case on Saturday, 19th July, when the Lagonda Co. held their “fete.”

The weather, at first, was not too promising, but this did not deter Lagonda owners from turning up, and a big crowd assembled.

The programme started before lunch with two events for trade entrants, followed by a convincing demonstration of the supercharged models, which lapped the track at high speed. Then came the Appearance Contest, which was afterwards followed by the Manchester 1-lap Handicap.

The next race was a two-lap Round-the-Mountain event, which was so well supported that it had to be run off in three heats. The cars in the first, included a snappy yellow and red semi-sports 24-litre and a quick-looking 2-seater driven by Mr. Bowring, who was scratch. No. 41, the limit man, took good advantage of the start he was given, and contrived to keep a lead throughout the run. The ultimate winner, however, was Mr. Barnes, owner of a 2-litre and a notable headgear.

The ladies were now given a chance to show their mettle, and there was quite a good entry in their event— a 1-lap handicap affair. Mrs. Graham proved the winner. The seventh item on the programme was a one-lap handicap race ; this attracted a large number

of competitors, but it was rather marred by some hitch which entailed a long delay before the start of the first heat. However, once the cars were away, things became interesting. Lord de Clifford got home first in a 3-litre Special, in the first heat, while in heat 2 Mr. C. G. Flewitt secured premier place. In the last, a 2-litre Weymann got in first, but did not retain this place in the final, for Mr. Barnes’ car once more pro

duced the goods. The interest of spectators was being well held throughout the long series of events, and the Hammersmith Round-the-Mountain Handicap produced some exciting incidents at the Fork. In the second lap a three-litre tourer took the corner too fast and spun round, but the other cars were able to avoid it, and the driver was little disturbed, for he engaged his ratio as soon as he came to rest, and lost very little time. No. 3, a green two-seater on a two-litre chassis, was also in some trouble. L. McCardle, in a twolitre saloon, took the corner wide and

speedily, keeping his foot well down, and was able to win his heat. By using the same he won the final. The meeting finished with a tt garaging” race (in which cars had to be backed between hurdles and then out again), and an obstacle race. Prizes were then presented by Mrs. Metcalfe, the wife of the Managing Director of Lagonda, Ltd., and this brought the gathering to a close. Mr. W. J. Barnes won the

Aggregate Cup for the hkghest number of points. Altogether the fete was a highly successful, and thoroughly cheerful affair, and the proceedings were greatly enlivened by a broadcast by Mr. Gillie Potter, the comedian. Results were as follow :—Two-lap handicap for trade and sales staff : 1, D. R. Sharman ; 2, C. G. Edwards ; 3, C. L. G. Wilkinson. Twolap ” Round-the-Mountain ” handicap for trade and sales staff :-1, E. Grimaldi ; 2, C. L. G. Wilkinson; 3; A. Graham. One-lap handicap :-1, W. T. Barnes ; 2, J. A. Lloyd ; 3, L. McCardle. Two-lap “Round the Mountain” handicap :-1, W. T. Barnes ; 2, 0. K. Marwick ; 3, J. A. P. Dalgety. Onelap handicap for lady drivers :— 1, Mrs. J. K. Graham ; 2, Mrs. Gemmell ; 3, Mrs. J. Cranmer. One-lap handicap :-1, W. ‘T. Barnes;

2, A. D. Evans ; 3, C. G. Inewitt. Two-lap ” Round-the-Mountain ” handicap :-1, L. McCardle ; 2, C. G. Flewitt ; 3, J. A. F. Dalgety. ” Garaging” scratch race :-1, M. Kennerley ; 2, E. H. Peak ; 3, J. A. F. Dalgety. Obstacle race :1, Lord de Clifford ; 2, R. A. Waters ;

3, L. McCardle.