A Day's Good Bag.


A Day’s Good Bag.

The standard 350 c.c. Enfield (model 352) which came into the racing limelight by winning the Team Prize in the Junior T.T. is still going great guns. Its latest successes have been in Holland, where, at the Dordrecht races, one rider won the 350 c.c. and the 500 c.c. class, picking up two gold medals and several other awards. Incidentally, a machine of this type now holds the record for a lap on Phenix Park course at Dublin at 66.39 m.p.h. This is interesting in view of the fact that the Phcenix Park course has been chosen for the famous ” Leinster Hundred” event this year.

Our Price Reduction.

Those loyal souls, the regular subscribers to MOTOR SPORT, will doubtless be wondering how the price reduction will affect them. Let us hasten to reassure them that we have been through the list very thoroughly and have extended the period of all prepaid subscriptions

in proportion to the new price. May we draw readers’ attention to the fact that a full year’s subscription to MOTOR SPORT can now be obtained for eight shillings post free.


We are instructed by Mr. Nockolds, our artist, to state that a few copies of the originals of sketches, coloured and otherwise, are available for sale. Mr. Nockolds has many excellent drawings of famous racing cars, and anyone interested should write, c/o MOTOR SPORT.

Amateur T.T.

Seventy-seven entries have been received for this important event, to be held on Sept. 8th. Among other well-known competitors are E. Archibald (Triumph), C. W. Provis (Norton), W. C. Birch (Sunbeam). and W. S. Braidwood (P. & M.).