The Seventh International 200 miles Race, Brooklands, October 15th, 1927.


The Seventh International 200 miles Race, Brooklands, October 15th, 1927.

The Junior Car Club has issued the Regulations for its Seventh Annual 200 miles Race, which is to take place at Brooklands Racing Track on Saturday, October 15th next.

The course will be the same as was instituted last year, with the fast” S” turns on the Finishing Straight and the double ” hair-pin” at the Fork, all these points being in full view of the large public that attends this annual classic.

The event is for racing cars with engine capacities not exceeding 1,500 c.c., and the winner will receive the T.B. Andre Gold Challenge Cup to be held for one year and a cash prize of at least £250. Cash awards will also be made for second and third places in the respective classes into which the entries are divided. The entry fee is 10 guineas per car, and the closing date at single fees is September 1st. It is confidently anticipated that several continental entries will materialise this year, as it is the last big race of the season, and coincides with the Motor Exhibition

• at Olympia, which is always attended by many representatives of foreign manufacturers.

Entry forms and full particulars can be obtained from the Secretary, Junior Car Club, Clock House, Arundel Street, Strand, W.C.2. (Tel. : Central 3926).

The Jubilee Worm Drive Clips.

Owners of water cooled vehicles, who desire high-class fittings and are dissatisfied with the ordinary type of clip for radiator hose connections, should take notice of L. Robinson & Co.’s advertisement on the back page. Of extremely simple, yet ingenious design, these clips are sold at very reasonable prices in all sizes, and are fitted as standard by many manufacturers of high grade automobiles.