The 3-Litre Sunbeam and Marmom Cars.


The 3-Litre Sunbeam and Marmon Cars.

It was our pleasure recently to be a passenger in the new three-litre Sunbeam, the property of Mr. Pass, of Pass & Joyce, Euston Road, and, although we hope to give our readers a full description of this—the latest from Sunbeamland—we feel very tempted to let our pen wander on its perfect features beforehand. Two outstanding points will suffice, however. • The steering is a revelation in lightness, and the engine might be non-existent if one was at all inclined to deafness ; it is certainly the nearest approach to a super-sports steam car that has yet been evolved.

After the run, we had an opportunity of inspecting Messrs. Pass & Joyce’s new showrooms. Three stories high, with a large basement, the building ranks with any as regards storage capacity for new vehicles. All floors are clean and light, enabling a prospective customer to examine thoroughly the whole stock ; a great point in these days, when cars are housed like refugees in dark passages. Down in the basement we discovered the New Marmon, which is quite the latest thing from the States. It was in the process of being cleaned from a test run, and we were able to observe the absence of ill effects on the coachwork, which appeared unaffected by grit and tar. A Speedster twoseater model is catalogued, which should appeal to the connoisseur of American cars.