Round the Clubs, August 1924


Round the Clubs


This well-known club recently carried out its annual benevolent event, when the annual Cripples and Poor Children’s Outing took place. A considerable fleet of cars took part, including one char-a-banc hired for the purpose by a member who was prevented from being present, and who did not wish that his absence should cause disappointment for any of the kiddies. Altogether sonic 200 children enjoyed a run of about an hour and a quarter, through .some of the prettiest parts of the county, to the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Disney, The Hyde, Ingatestone, where they partook of tea. After the meal Mr. Mellor took charge of affairs, and various amusements, children’s sports, etc., were indulged in until 5.30, when the start for home was made, the day’s outing finishing at about seven o’clock in the evening.

A particularly interesting recent run was to Beeleigh Abbey, near Malden. The Abbey is one of the oldest buildings in Essex, and is in a wonderful state of preservation. It contains a fine collection of old furniture which has been gathered together by Mr. It. E. Thomas, the owner,. who is a connoisseur in such things.

The Hon. Secretary of this Club is ‘Maitland Keddie, Esq., and the Headquarters are at the Queen’s Hotel, Westcliff.


A July programme containing,half a dozen highly interesting and sporting events is one which this club can show. It started with a run to Reeth and an impromptu run on the 6th, which was quickly followed by a reliability Trial on the 13th. On the

20th occurred the Teams Trial, and on the 23rd, a Mystery Trial. On the 26th the Saltburn Speed Trials took place, and the 27th saw -another Social run and impromptu trip.

Me competition for the Aicken Cup on the 13th, was very keenly contested. It was run over the following course : Ferryhill, Darlington, Richmond, Reeth, Buttertubs Pass, and Hawes, which was the Lunch stop. The return was by way of Bainbridge, Askrigg, Redmire, Richmond (by the old road), Darlington, and Ferryhill Town Hall. Ten of the competitors finished, G. Dawson, F. Miller, and A. Nicholson being first, second and third. The winner lost only half a minute, and the same separated first from second and second from third. The mystery competition involved the finding of a hidden route. It was started from Headquarters at 6.30 p.m., and the entries, which were numerous, were accepted up to 6 p.m. of the day of the run.

During August, besides social runs, a reliability trial, and a hill climb, particulars of which are not yet forthcoming, two Gymkhanas are to be held. The first of these will take place on the 4th August, in connection with the Dean Bank British Legion, and will include several very interesting events. The second is to take place on 23rd August, in connection with the Ferryhill station and district flower show.

The Hon. Secretary is J. P. Whelan, 1, Haig Street, Ferryhill, Durham.


In this club’s annual Gymkhana held at Tilbury’s Field, Potter’s Bar, the policy was followed of including several nonmotoring events, with a view to widening the interests, and affording opportunity for the inymbers’ families to take part.

The results of the too miles reliability trial to Bournemouth were as follows :—Large Car Class : E. W. Long, winner of the Banbury cup, lost 374 marks. F. J. Green, second, losing 472 marks, and S. Worrall, third, having lost 564 marks. In. the Light Car Class, W. R. E. Honner won the Church cup for the third year in succession, so that it now becomes his for good.

He lost 473 marks. J Thornton was second, losing 651 marks, and G. E. Sutton third, having lost 702 marks. The event,was a marked success, no fewer than too members taking part. The organisation was efficiently carried out by Messrs. W. A. Bruce and W. H. B. Hawken, of whom the former made three journeys to Bournemouth and back, so that he could ascertain and measure the best and most interesting route for the trial.

The Hon. Secretary is Captain W. J. Lendrtnn, to, Leasid-e Avenue, Muswell Hill,


The famous open speed trials, popularly known as the Saltburn Speed Trials, organised by this club, were held on Saturday, the 26th July. Four championships were competed for, and a solid silver Cup, which was awarded for the faitest time of the day. The championships were all competed for over twenty Miles, the classes being : motor cycles up to 250 C.C. ; motor cycles up to 350 C.C. ; motor cycles up to 5o0 c.c. ; and motor cycles up to i,000 c.c. The winner of the championship in each class is awarded a challenge cup, to be held for one year only. The cup for fastest time becomes the permanent property of the winner. In addition to the cups, prizes are awarded in accordance with the number Of entries in each class, there being three in each section, consisting of gold, silver and bronze medals, provided not less than eight enter. Two prizes are awarded in case of five to seven entries, and one only if the entries total four. A special prize is to be given in each section of a class to the first amateur member of the Middlesbrough Club, residing within the Middlesbrough postal area, providing there are not less than three such entries.

As we go to press before the date when these trials are contested, we are unable to report results in this issue. We anticipate, however, that, as usual, there will be a large entry, and that a successful day will result. We shall have pleasure in commenting upon the results in our next issue.

The Hon. Secretary of this Club is Mr. A. V. Buttress, 18, Ayresome Park Road, Middlesbrough.


The annual twenty-four hours Trial of this club was held in splendid weather, a little too splendid, in one sense, since the competitors had to face the sun for the major part of an afternoon and evening, and found themselves facing it again on the return journey next morning. The start was made from the Robin Hood Garage on the Stratford Road, and the route followed, from Birmingham via Beacon Hill to Shrewsbury and Holyhead and return was a particularly stiff one, including, besides the hill named, such climbs as Cefn Du, BwIch-y-Groes, BwIch-y-Ddar, Peniarth and Braniarth. Both Cefn Du and Bwlch-y-Ddar were responsible for the coming to grief of several competitors, the latter being too much of a stumbling block for even that expert Trials man, Mr. H. F. S. Morgan. On the whole, however, in view of the conditions, the failures in a field of fifty entrants, were remarkably few. Amongst motor cyclists whose performances deserve special mention are:: E. Poppe on a 976 C.C. Packman and Poppe ; F. V. Wood, on a 496 c.c. W.A.G.; W. ‘I’. Woodcock, 498 c.c. Arid l ; H. S. Perrey, 770 C.C. B.S.A. ; F. W. Giles, 349 c.c. A.J.S. and sidecar ; R. F. Turner, 346 c.c. New Imperial and sidecar ; F. A. Watson, 599 C.C. Sunbeam and sidecar ; C. W. Hough, 349 C.C. A. J.S. ; and F. W. Wallis, Matchless and sidecar. Of car entrants, the following made good performances: B. W. Harcourt and K Kincain, both on Austin Sevens ; P. H. Jones, Arid; C. P. Law, F. Hallam, and J. Cocker, all on L. Clynos ; F. V. Edwards on a Calthorpe ; E. Neale, Jowett ; H. P. S. Morgan, G. H. Goodall, R. ‘I’. Horton and J. C. Chippendale,

on Morgans ; H. B. Denley on a Rhode ; F. S. Barnes, Salmson ; A. J. Dixon on a Singer ; L. Mathews on a Swift ; and J. W. Meredith on a T.B.


A team nominated by this club had the pleasure of a trip to Belgium last month, in order to take part in a Reliability Trial over a distance of a hundred miles. LiOge was the centre from which the trip was run, and the team reported a very enjoyable sporting and successful event.

The next event of importance is the Centre Speed Event on the zoth August. For this there are classes for all capacities, including one for cars to the size or horse power of which no limit has been set. An important new departure in connection with this affair will be the broadcasting of the time of each man all along the course by means of loud speakers. An attempt is being made to make the event as interesting as possible to the spectator.

The Reliability Trial for the Club Cup will take place on the 24th August, and the Hunstanton 24 hours’ Reliability Trial is due on 6th September.

The Hon. Secretary is Mr. S. C. Ashby, 36, Horninglow Road, Sheffield.


This club has held several very successful events during the season up to the present, and, to judge by its programme, is likely to keep up that desirable standard. One of the most successful of these events was the Brooklands meeting. So popular was this event that the Club has again reserved the Track for another of the same order, for the x6th August. This meeting is open to members of the following clubs : Wallington Motor Club, Epsom and District Motor Club, Sydenham and District Motor Club, and Preston and District Motor Club.

The Hon. Secretary is Mr. F. Wilson Smith, 32, Hammelton Road, Bromley, Kent.


A Hill Climb will be held by this club on September 13th, at Angel Bank, near Cleobury Mortimer, in Shropshire. This hill, which has now been in use by the club for three years, is just under half a mile in length, is reputed to be of a i in 8 gradient, and is practically straight. High speeds are possible as the surface is a hard granite macadam in good condition, and is unaffected by rain. The competitions to be decided include classes for Cars and Motor Cycles of all the usual capacities. Every competitor is allowed two ascents of the hill with each machine entered, and there are no restrictions as to type of machine, while the question of sports or racing machines is covered by the handicap scheme outlined below.

Four challenge trophies are to be awarded, these being the Sutton Shield, for fastest time by any motor cycle, at present held by George Brough ; the Ixion Cup, for fastest time by a motor cycle under 350 c.c., at present held by G. Rowley, while for cars the Goodyear Rose Bowl and the Allday (President’s) Cup are offered for best performances on formula by cars of unlimited and under 1,600 c.c. capacity respectively ; these are both at present held by Raymond Mays, and are to be won outright by any competitor winning them twice. The usual class awards will be competed for, and the Sutton Club’s method of handicapping will again be used to decide the winners of an additional set of awards.

This scheme, which was inaugurated last year, has proved very successful as an alternative to awards on formula, and is intended to give advantage to less skilful or less expert competitors in their attempts to compete with the better known cracks who are to be found at this club’s meetings. Any intending competitors who have not yet received entry forms should apply immediately to the Secretary of the meeting, Mr. J. D. Woodhouse, xo, Warwick Chambers, Corporation Street, Birmingham.


This is another club which has the distinction of being presided over by Professor A. M. Low. An outstanding example of the ambitious nature of its programme, and also, incidentally, of the

• efficient manner in which its events are organised, was the 200 miles sidecar race which the Club organised at Brooklands on August 25th last year, and which was a huge success. The Club itself was formed in 1914, under the name of the Acton and District M.C.C. The advent of the war stopped activities after several successful runs had been made, and nothing further was done until the early part of 19×9, when a re-union meeting was called in Ealing, and the club reformed with its present name. One of the principal events run by this club is the classic LondonHolyhead trial, which has now been run for four years in succession, and is certainly one of the most sporting long distance trials of the year.

The Joint Hon. Secretaries are : Mr. Frank A. Longman, of 17, Bond Street, Ealing, and Mr. F. H. Douglass, x , Lilac Gardens, Ealing, W.5.


This club recently organised a visit to Screw Hill, near Nevin, Carnarvonshire, and a car driven by Captain Gray, was successful in climbing this notorious hill without assistance. A competition was therefore organised, to be run on time and formula, and was won by Mr. G. E. Addinsell, on a 21 h.p. Dot Bradshaw. Mr. G. G. Barnard put up a splendid performance on a 21 h.p. P. & P. Jap and sidecar, as did also Mr. Harvey, on a 21 h.p. Rudge and sidecar.

This club’s classic event is, of course, the Colwyn Bay Speed Trial. Their success this year was somewhat marred by inclement weather, which prevented the completion of all the classes. However, there were some very good races, and the Mersey Cup for the fastest car, the engine of which was under 3,000 c.c., was won by Mr. J. A. Joyce, on a 1,496 c.c. A.C., in 22 seconds, at 81.82 miles per hour. The Braid Challenge Cup, for the fastest car under 1,500 c.c., went to Mr. G. S. Boston, on a 1,496 C.C. Horstmann, and the Snowden Cup, for the fastest time with a sidecar, was won by Mr. H. Hudson, on a 9.96 h.p. Tornado Anzani, at 77.59 miles per hour. The Cup for the fastest time of the day, irrespective of engine capacity, was not awarded, because of the weather interference, but special cups were awarded to Porter (Bentley) and Paul (Beardmore).

The Cheshire Centre of the A.C.U., to which this Club is affiliated, recently held a Rally and Freak Hill Climb. It was well attended, both by competitors and spectators, the locality being one which lent itself to a social event, and picnicking was the order of the day.

It is interesting to learn that this club has at last obtained permission from the authorities to run races on Wallasey Sands, and the first event will be held on Saturday, September 13th. Application for entry forms and regulations should be sent to the Secretary immediately. The Liverpool-Edinburgh Trial is to be run on September 27th, and this year, the Jeans Cup and the Quikko Cup, are to be competed for on that occasion, instead of as separate fixtures. This club is willing to encourage entries by teams of its members into events organised by other clubs, and to that end will pay any team fees which may be charged. Entrants are expected, of course, to pay their own entry fees.

The Hon. Secretary of this club is Mr. L. H. Lumby, xo, Seaton Road, Wallasey.


In this club’s Speed Trials, held recently at Bexhill, Leon Cushman, on his zoo-mile-race Bugatti, made the fastest time of the day, covering the 700 yards stretch of the promenade in 28 seconds. miss Ivy Cummings made second fastest, on her improved and rejuvenated Frazer-Nash, her time being 28 3 /5 seconds. H. Eaton, on an Aston-Martin, also did well, winning both 1,500 c.c. events, the amateur in 38 3/5 seconds, and the general in 36 4/5 seconds. Miss A. Dawes won the event for Morris cars only, in 43 3/5 seconds, and S. Constable was first in both races for Morgan Cyclecars only, covering the distance, in the racing car, in 34 seconds.


The Club’s annual inter-club Hill Climb, held at Spread Eagle Hill, near Shaftesbury, produced excellent and spectacular sport over the 5 /8 mile course. Fastest time was put up by

E. W. Spencer, on a 494 Douglas, in 34 4/5 seconds, thus winning the “B. & C.” Cup, presented by the Birmingham & Coventry Cycle Company, Southampton. The fastest amateur time, 36 seconds, was made by D. T. Phillips, on a 490 Norton.

A social run to Sandbanks was a very successful fixture, as was a smoking concert in celebration of the T.T. win of the Club’s member, Mr. Alec Bennett. This function was held at Quilter’s Hotel, Southampton, when the presentation in connection with the annual hill climb was also made.


An interesting gymkhana and gala is being organised by this club in conjunction with the City Council and local tradesmen, the proceeds to be devoted to the aid of local charities. It is anticipated that it will be a great success.

Hon. Secretary, Mr. C. C. Salmon, Market Street, Wakefield.


The third annual speed trials of this club were held recently, on the new Kingsgate Road, before about 6,000 spectatirs. Some very good racing was seen, and considerable interest was taken in the novel class for tradesmen’s vans, in which the

mile was covered by the winner, Mr. Holltry, in a Morris-Cowley, in 40 5 /16 seconds. The runner up was R. Atkin, in a Chevrolet, in 41 5 /16 seconds.


On Saturday, September 20th, Brooklands will once again be the scene of the Junior Car Club’s 200 miles race. The main points of interest in the regulations for this year’s race are the inclusion of an additional class for cars having engines the capacity of which does not exceed 750 c.c., and the running of the three classes, 750 c.c., ‘,zoo c.c., and 1,500 c.c., together. All the competing cars will be started off together at 3 p.m., to allow spectators the opportunity to get down to the track comfortably after lunch. A good many entries have already been received, and the coveted “No. x ” has this year gone to Mr. T. L. Edwards, who has entered a Horstmann car. Other entries are four Austin cars, two entered by Mr. E. C. Gordon England, one by Mr. Gordon Handy, and one by Mr. J. P. Dingle; two Salmsons, both entered by Mr. A. Bovier, two Alvis, by Mr. T. G. John, two more Horstmanns, one by Mr. D. B. Calder, and one by Mr. H. W. Purdy, and an Aston-Martin, entered by Mr. E. R. Hall. Very many more are of course expected, and it is more than likely that last year’s entry list of fifty will be exceeded.

Copies of the regulations and entry forms may be obtained from the Hon. General Secretary, Mr. A. P. Bradley, Junior Car Club, Clock House, Arundel Street, Strand, London, W.C.2.


This, one of the most active of sporting clubs, has always an interesting programme, and enjoys the presidency of that inventive motorist, Professor A. M. Low. Its fourth annual l3rooklands meeting proved a most successful and enjoyable event. The programme embodied eleven races in all, of which six were for cars and five for motor cycles. The Surbiton Short Handicap was won by Morgan on an AstonMartin, closely followed by Hall, on an Austin, and Duller, on a Thomas Special. The winner’s average speed was 78.79 miles per hour. The Surrey Senior Short Handicap was won at an average pace of 86.17 m.p.h. by Miller, on a Bianchi, with Duller second, on a Bugatti, and Gillow, on a Riley, third. Duller did a lap at 103.76 m.p.h. The Surrey Lightning Long Handicap was won easily by Thomas on a Leyland-Thomas at 115.03 m.p.h. ,With Duller next, on a Bugatti, and Miller third, on a Bianchi. llamas did one lap at 124.8 miles per hour. The Surbiton Junior Long Handicap looked like being a victory for Black on his G.N., which ran splendidly, and was leading until the the second lap. In the end Miller won comfortably on the Bianchi, at 88.78 miles per hour, with Hall on the Austin, second, and Black third. J. G. P. Thomas managed to win the Surrey Senior Long Handicap, notwithstanding a heavy handicap. He was driving Mr. Lionel Rapson’s Lanchester, and just beat Hall (Austin), with Norris, on a Bianchi, a close third. The winner’s average speed was 98.23 m.p.h. The Surrey Lightning Long Handicap was won by Duller on a Bugatti at 98.85 miles per

hour ; Morgan, on an Aston-Martin, being second; and Norris (Bianchi) third.

The first motor cycle race of this meeting was for 350 C.C. machines, and for this there were 16 starters. It was won at 80.46 miles per hour by H. M. Walters on a 344 C.C. Zenith. C. W. Lucy, on a Cotton, fitted with the J.A.P. engine, came in second, J. S. Worters, on a Toronda, being third. C. T. Ashby, on a T.T. Montgomery, had hard lines, coming in fourth. The next race was for machines between 350 c.c. and r,000 c.c., and in this there were twelve starters, including Temple, on Le Vack’s old Zenith. Denly on a 400 c.c. Norton looked like being the winner, and rode perfectly throughout the race, being just beaten by H. L. Grimes, on a 678 c.c. Martinsyde. M. A. McEvoy, on a 998 c.c. McEvoy-Anzani, was third. The winner’s speed was 71.97 miles per hour. In the Lightning Handicap, for machines of up to r,000 c.c., there were 21 starters, out of which Glover, on a 733 c.c. Douglas, came in first, his speed being 891 miles per hour. J. S. Worters, on. a 348 c.c. Toronda, was second, and C. T. Ashby, making up for his poor fortune in the first race, managed this time to find third place. The Private Owners’ Handicap, which attracted 14 starters, was won by A. 0. W. Williams at, curiously enough, exactly the same speed as the 350 C.C. race. He was riding a 493 c.c. Sunbeam, and was followed by L. P. Peaty, on a 348 c.c. Hawker, who just beat V. H. Stephens, on a 490 C.C. Norton. J. S. Worters proved unbeatable in the 1,100 C.C. Passenger Handicap, coming in first, with his 348 c,c. Toronda and sidecar, at 66.76 miles per hour. I. P. Riddoch, on a 998 C.C. ZenithBlackbume was second, with D. R. O’Donovan, on a 588 c.c. Norton and sidecar, third.

The Hon. Secretary is Mr. H. Lambert, 47, Church Road, Richmond.


Prizes are to be awarded in each class, the first in each case being a silver cup, the second a gold medal, and the third, a special silver medal. To all who finish the distance within the time limits a silver medal will be awarded.

The closing date for entries, which must be made on the official form and forwarded to the Secretary with a fee of ,42 zos., is Thursday, August 21st, 1924. Entries are limited to twenty in each of the classes A and B, and to fifteen in each of the other classes. If the number of entries exceeds the limit, a waiting list will be opened, and entries will be accepted for inclusion in such list on the understanding that if there are any nonstarters, a corresponding number of entrants whose names appear first on the waiting list for that class will be given the opportunity of starting. If no opportunity to start is given to an entrant on the waiting list his entry fee will be returned in full.

The Hon. Secretary of this Club is Mr. A. Geo. Reynolds, 95, Fillebrook Road, Leytonstone, B.

This premier sporting club of motor cyclists is organising five two-hundred mile races, to take place on the track at Brooklands, on Saturday, September 6th, commencing at 9 a.m. This event is open only to members of the club, either as entrants or drivers, and is to be held under the Club’s racing rules, together with certain supplementary regulations, amongst which the following may be quoted.

The 200 mile races are confined to male members of the club as drivers, and are for solo motor cycles, one race for each of five classes, namely : A, 250 c.c. ; B, 350 c.c. ; Co 500 c.c,; D, 750 c.c. ; B, Low c.c.


This Club’s Reliability Trial, for the E. W. Finch Cup and medals, was held recently in very hot weather. The course consisted of two circuits of 65 miles, and included Kop and Nap Hills. For purposes of comparison, each rider starts with rola marks, and deductions are made as the trial proceeds. In the result, the Cup went to Mr. C. D. Field, who, riding a 21 h.p. Beardmore, lost only ii marks. G. Slade, on a 31 h.p. O.H.V. Norton and sidecar, and H. Stribling, on a 3i James, tied for second place, both being credited with 83 marks. The third prize, a bronze medal, went to Mr. C. L. Rolls, riding a 21 h.p. A.J .S., his marking being 78.

The Hon. Secretary of this Club is Capt. H. Wilfred Dyke, Hartford, Upton Road, Slough.