Mustang Fifty Years


Donald Farr

With a foreword written by Edsel B Ford II, and an author who has worked on Mustang Monthly for 30 years, this book was always going to paint a rosy picture of the machine that created the ‘Pony’ car genre. It is also being sold as a licensed Ford product.

Starting at the very beginning of the extraordinary 50-year journey of this all-American icon, this hefty 258-page tome charts the progress from early Sixties pre-production prototype all the way up to the 2014 range. Each and every model is covered, with special editions and one-offs all included alongside slightly dull press and brochure pictures from the Ford archives.

Surprisingly, the hugely successful early years of the Sixties are given only as much coverage as the turbulent Seventies and woeful Eighties, when you could buy a Mustang with a V8 that produced a paltry 118bhp and also had a vinyl roof. Nice.

Thankfully, after many lean years, the Mustang finally got its mojo back and the book deals with the return to form for the latest breed of Ford stallion. It’s an interesting and easy read for someone with an interest in the story behind the legend. DC

Published by Motorbooks ISBN 978 0 76034 3968, £40.00