Matters of moment, April 2003


Cosworth to sponsor TGP

Cosworth will support the FIA Thoroughbred Grand Prix Championship in 2003 to mark the Northampton firm’s 45th anniversary.

The ‘Power by Cosworth’ insignia will be included in TGP graphics and clothing to recognise the founding of the firm by Keith Duckworth and Mike Costin.

Cosworth holds the record for the number of wins in Formula One with 175 victories.

“Cosworth Racing is delighted to be the principal supporter of the TGP Championship. It gives us a unique opportunity to celebrate the enormous contribution by Cosworth, and notably its founders and employees to the history of Formula One,” said Brendan Connor, the CEO of Cosworth Racing.

“The DFV engine is the key to the whole TGP movement,” said series organiser Stuart McCrudden.

Registrations are already up to the 30 mark ahead of the opening race of the season at Jarama in mid-April, with all cars using DFV engines bar one Ferrari. Among them should be the Lotus 91 in which Elio de Angelis scored the 150th F1 race win for Cosworth. Now being prepared by Classic Team Lotus, the car will be raced by Nico Bindels.

Another Lotus entered is the 87B of David Coplowe, who is returning to the series after a short absence.