Where's F1's movable feast?



I feel compelled to write about an issue of potential interest to fellow fans of Formula One. As an avid fan of grand prix racing and a Motor Sport reader for 41 years (having been captivated, aged 12, by the Ferrari 156 of Phil Hill, and then the articles of Denis Jenkinson), I am rather surprised and saddened that no official museum or hall of fame exists to honour the fascinating human and technical history of our great sport.

Here in the US it seems that every major branch of motorsport has such a museum, including NASCAR and drag racing! It’s a wonderful way to retain the interest of existing enthusiasts, and educate new fans about the sport’s past.

Like many, I support historic grand prix racing by amateurs, and I am aware of the Donington Collection. But given the fortunes made in F1 by figures such as Bernie Ecclestone, and the resources Max Mosley has at the FIA, should there not be a truly superb retrospective created? I am not aware of even a token effort in this regard.

Such a project need not even be a structure of bricks and mortar in one country — it could be a mobile exhibit accompanying the F1 circus to each grand prix, featuring rotating exhibits and maybe track demonstrations.

I am, yours, etc
Frank Henry, Belmont, California