Light relief



I would like to congratulate Motor Sport for at last taking the lead in presenting the Cooper story.

I would, however, take issue with you in respect of quoting me about Sir Jack Brabham’s pranks: these occurred in the workshop only. He would never have committed such an act in the pits; this would be very irresponsible. When you work hard, there are many such occurrences, for light relief. Most of us participated in these pranks from time to time.

I would also point out a small correction referring to the supply of tubes. All the cars were completely built by Cooper employees; at no time were tubes supplied as a separate item. When the customers purchased a car they could, however, buy an incomplete vehicle which could have no tyres or something similar; then in some cases the client would not be required to pay Purchase Tax.

Thank you for giving an insight into the real Cooper, and not what most of the general public relates to — “Oh, you mean the Mini-Cooper”.

I am, yours, etc
Terence J Kitson, Claygate, Surrey