Give and take over Brooklands


I’ve been studying an enormous amount of material about the Daimler-Chrysler proposals for Brooklands, which a delegation from the Brooklands Society brought to me. The Society welcomes the plans as the best way to improve the Track. I suppose one must accept this, especially if the Track is reconnected where the Hennebique bridge was removed, and the Hangar obstructing the Railway Straight is dismantled. However, replacing the bridge depends on Lottery funding, and the new Driving Experience Track will not be suitable for racing.

One will have to accept a three-storey, four-star hotel, a public park and riverside walk, the new Mercedes-Benz museum, a Business Centre with parking for 465 cars, and the Heritage & Technical site housing 150 employees.

325,000 visitors a year are forecast; I hope there will not be, at Brooklands, too many three-pointed stars and Smarts.