Dr Dudley Benjafield



A copy of MOTOR SPORT for August 1998 has just reached me. Although I am an avid reader of your excellent publication, I must wait for a copy to be passed on to these distant parts.

I was fascinated by the article on Dr Dudley ‘Benjy’ Benjafield (we are all known as Benjy in the Benjafield family). I had known about him since I first became aware of some of his exploits in the mid-1950s, when I was but a small boy, but yours was the first comprehensive account of his achievements that I have read. Apart from his sporting life, I was also fascinated to discover that he studied medicine at University College Hospital, London. My late mother also studied medicine there in the 1930s. Thank you Bill Boddy and MOTOR SPORT.

I am, yours, etc. CJN Benjafield, Al-Khang, Saudi Arabia