Maserati 6C34 find


Remarkable how careless some people can be. We’ve all lost our keys at some time, but a Grand Prix car? Well, Maserati has found one. While gutting the Modena factory, a pre-war single-seater turned up. It seems Maserati found it in Brazil in ’57, and because it had a 6CM engine, assumed it was a 6CM – back then, just another old racer. But when restorer Tony Merrick inspected it recently, he reckoned it was one of the 6C34 GP machines, of which only one other survives of eight built. There’s no body, but the chassis (no 3025), back axle, diff and steering remain. The 6CM engine had spacers to fit mounts intended for the proper 3.7-litre blown unit, but is itself a find – it seems to be an experimental four-valve 6CM unit.

Merrick has some parts for a new engine, but the project could take three years – if Maserati gives him the nod. One built, Merrick would be a good man to pedal it: while testing ERA R4D a couple of years ago he baffled current F3 cars would couldn’t pass him. GC