1993 British F3 Review.


In-Car Manx Rally Experience. Duke Video. 86 min, £10.99.

A cliché? Certainly. Well produced? Indubitably. Worthwhile? Questionably .. .

Just as you thought the world had had its fill of in-car rally videos, another one pops up and drags you to the small screen in the corner, pace notes in hand.

Hang on. Pace notes? Indeed. A set is provided

for several of the stages through which you are conducted, variously, by Jimmy McRae, Mark Higgins, Pentti Airikkala, Phil Collins, Bertie Fisher and others, including Mike Rimmer, who has apparently been chosen for his occasional inability to read the contours of the Manx countryside. There are moments when Rimmer’s co-driver actually sounds a touch worried.

The Manx is a quick, challenging event, and much of this is consequently spectacular. As camera technology has improved over the years, so has the quality of reproduction, though our review copy was marred by interference which no amount of knob twiddling would eliminate. However, such is the availability of in-car footage nowadays that the novelty has long since worn off. However, if there is still a demand for this type of thing, then this is one of the better productions of its kind. SA