Anthony Brooke



Anthony Brooke

t was a great shock to members of the VSCC to learn of the death in February of Anthony (Tony) Brooke. He was so very much a VSCC character, who had raced 30/98 Vauxhalls in sand races before the war and who, just before hostilities broke out, bought the Vauxhall-Villiers, which he campaigned from then on, thus consolidating his allegiance to the Luton marque. He even had a “Prince Henry” Vauxhall, which Ron Barker drove in the 1954 AngloAmerican Rally. Not a person to suffer fools gladly, Tony was tough enough to tame the powerful Vauxhall-Villiers (when it condescended to start for him). He was of the Brooke-Bond tea family and, as transport manager, at one time he had some 300 two-stroke Trojan vans to contend with. When 1 met him recently he was full of making the old Villiers steer better for the coming vintage racing season. Sadly, he died in hospital after an operation. Our heartfelt sympathy to his family, who will presumably become the Vauxhall-Villiers’ custodians. W B

Dr W A Taylor

Two days after the sad” news about Tony 1 Brooke, Tony “Doc” Taylor passed away. He had been ill for a considerable time but still enjoyed the VSCC Westonsuper-Mare speed trials, etc. Anyone who saw the vivacious doctor readying and driving his stark AC-engined Caesar Special up Prescott or elsewhere will never forget it! But Dr Tony Taylor had many other motoring interests, including Rolls-Royce, 1904 Peugeot, etc. He said he would drive the Casesar until he was 80, and then retire. He had so many successes with this car, with its AC Six multi-carburettor engine in a GN chassis, including fastest vintage-car time at Prescott in 1951, 1958, 1959 and 1963 etc. He enjoyed his motoring enormously. But now it is over we can only remember his great sprint runs and commiserate sincerely with his wife and family. W B