Letters - Iris Reminiscences



The February feature in the “Forgotten Makes” series was of particular interest to me as my grandfather (who was doctor in Clapham), had an Iris in 1910. My father called it “30 hp” but as it was a four-cylinder, it was probably the RAC rating he was referring to and the car was in fact a 25 hp model Type 2. It replaced my grandfather’s first car, an 8 hp Argyll which you entered from the rear. Both cars were driven from London to Loch Ness-side for holidays, where my grandfather had a rented cottage. I have seen a splendid family photograph of the Iris with all the family and dog aboard, probably about to set off on holiday. My father remembered it as a reliable car and a great improvement on the Argyll. The Iris was kept until about 1915 when it was replaced by a Maxwell.

Gavin Stiell
West Byfleet, Surrey