Obituary: EKH Karslake


We have just heard, with the deepest sadness, of the death of EKH Karslake.

As historian, writer and driver of old cars, Karslake perhaps did more for the Veteran and Vintage movement than any other of his generation. He also contributed the erudite Sideslips column in Motor Sport, as “Baladeur”, and the Veteran Types series.

Karslake’s writings had a worldwide impact, and it was entirely natural that he was asked to serve as the VSCC’s Vice-President in 1939 and from 1945-1949, and its President from 1951-1953. A stockbroker by profession, his insight into the motoring past was invaluable to the fast-growing post-war historic car movement.

His books included The French Grand Prix — 1906-1914, and with Laurance Pomeroy Junior, From Veteran to Vintage. Until recently EKHK, as”Old Fogey” in the VSCC Bulletin, wrote critically, and as humorously as ever, on the modern scene — submitting copy in impeccable long-hand in spite of failing eyesight. His loss will leave the whole V & V movement the poorer. WB