V-E-V Odds & Ends, April 1985


The Austin Ten DC held its AGM at “The Spread Eagle”, Thame, last month and was seen to be in a thriving condition. Its 1984 “Driver of the Year” was Bert Wallace with a 1936 Austin 16/6 Hertford saloon. The Club’s National Day will be held this year on July 27th / 28th. The VSCC of Australia celebrates its 40th Birthday this year, rather as our VSCC had its Jubilee Celebrations last year, with a week of special events and a proposed book of photographic memories. It operates much as the VSCC here, and we note that among the cars winning 1984 awards for its members were a 30/98 (the 2WB Trophy), an Alta, a Lagonda Rapier, an M45 Lagonda, a Type 39 Bugatti and Bentley and Deluge; the Clubs aim is to see vintage motoring “down under” come alive in ’85. We also note that in this Club’s Geelong Speed Trials there were four sports A7s and nine racing A7s competing…

The Esso Bristol to Weymouth vintage vehicle run of the Yeovil CC takes place over a 73-mile route on June 9th, starting from the City Council House, Bristol, at 9 am. The Pre-War A7 Club has its Autokarna at Wollaton Park, Nottingham on June 2nd, in conjunction with the City Corporations’s Festival Fortnight. Admission and parking is free. The Wolseley Register’s Sheffield Park Rally on May 5th, coincides with the Register’s 21st birthday and the 25th Anniversary of the Bluebell steam railway. A breakdown of membership of the Lagonda CC showed that last year the number of those owing pre-war Lagondas stood at 530, compared to 57 with post-war cars, the most popular pre-war model being the 2-litre. A thriving lost cause, if that is not a contradiction interns, is Swift and on June 22nd/23rd, owners of 1901-1931 cars of this make will rally at Sandringham House. Entry forms by ringing 0953-850804 (Lt Col West). The Standard MC has a Review that contains much history, road-test reprints, advertisements for quite inexpensive used cars, etc and expects to have its National Rally this year at the Cotswold Wild Life park on July 20th/21st. The Secretary is R. Morris, 194 Lawrence Street, London, NW7. Vintage commercial vehicle enthusiasts should not forget the HCVC’s Brighton Run, starting from London on May 5th, sponsored by Wincanton, or if living further North, the Tyne Tees Run on June 2nd, from Stockton to S. Shields. The Rover Sports Register has its Crich, Matlock, Rally on June 15th/16th and its National Pre-1950 Rover Rally at Belvoir Caste on August 18th. Details from: Sue Couldry, on 0602-811222. The 50th Anniversary of the Brough Superior car will be celebrated on June 27th/30th at Wollaton Park, Nottingham. The Pre-50 American AC hold its National Rally at Milton Keynes on July 28th. — W.B.