VSCC of Australia


From the latest to arrive Newsletter of the VSCC of Australia we learn that this obviously very active Club’s dinner was held at an hotel with a Bugatti Lounge and that last year’s Bugatti Rally included two Brescias, a Type 43, a Type 37, Stuart Saunders’ Type 35C and the Anzani-engined Bugatti, as well as a replica of a Type 37, and that f.t.d. was accomplished by a supercharged Amilcar-Whippet, presumably Overland-powered? The Two-Wheel-Brake Rally was won by an apparently back-bracked 12/50 Alvis with another such 12/50 second [surely they couldn’t have uncoupled the front anchors for the event? — Ed.], a Sunbeam winning the four-wheel-brake class from a 30/98 Vauxhall. News of vintage activity “down-under” includes the rebuild of a 12/50 Alvis duck’s-back, ditto a Type 40 Bugatti, the rebuilding of a 3-litre Bentley, a short-chassis Diatto is about to join another car of this make, and a second RL-type Alfa Romeo is coming along. It seems the Club’s Premier Vickery Trophy was won in 1982 by a Lancia Kappa. — W.B.