
The Club held its 47th AGM at the RAC late last month, after which the 1982 Awards were presented. There are 27 of these fine trophies, of which the more interesting ones were won as follows: The Lord Trophy, presented by the Austin Motor Company as a Victor Ludorum Trophy for the most successful participant in Main Events, went to J. E. Tanner (1904 Bethel and 1900 Daimler). The Guild of Master Motorists’ Trophy, presented by Lt.-Comdr. Montague Grahame-White, was won by D. TuckfieId / G. Thompson (1904 Renault). For the biggest formula mileage (741 miles) travelled to a Club Rally, Tanner with his big Berlier won the Miles Trophy. The similar award for single-cylinder veterans, presented by Cecil Bendall, went to S. J. Close (1904 De Dion Bouton) — 285 miles. Best aggregate performance by a lady driver gave Miss Strong with her 1904 Humberette the Lamb Cup.

The late George Lanchester’s Lanchester Trophy was presented to J. Zimbler (1910 Lanchester), and the H. O. Duncan Cup, presented by the late Mrs. Duncan, for the best pre-1901 car, was won by T. Moore’s 1898 Panhard-Levassor. The S. F. Edge Cup, donated by the late Mrs. S. F. Edge, was won by the 1905 Star of N. A. Ridley, for the best show by a 1905 to 1910 Edwardian. The S. F. Edge Bexhill Trophy, also presented by Mrs. Edge, for speed, was not awarded this time but the Coal-Scuttle Trophy of Renault (UK) Ltd. went to the 1904 Renault of D. Tuckfield / G. Thompson. Eastmead took the AA Cup, for marshalling duties; for running the oldest veteran to make an appearance in the Brighton Run, Garrett’s 1892 Benz won Col. Wellingham’s Cup, Stanley Sears’ Trophy was a win for Mr. and Mrs. Close, the Shuttleworth Trophy, a premier award, went to B. C. Moore, the Napier Award to B. K. Goodman (1913 Napier), the Blake Memorial Trophy to Tanner’s Daimler, while Goodman’s 1900 Benz won the R. J. Stephens Trophy presented by Mr. Loder, for the best performance by a belt-driven car. Lord Montagu was awarded the Sam S. Kaye Trophy for his showing with a 1913 Rolls-Royce in the Portugal International Rally.

The opening event will be that at the VCC headquarters at Ashwell on April 23rd. Secretary: Mrs. Joan Innes-Kent, Jessamine House, High Street, Ashwell, Herts, SG7 5NL.