Collisions at Porlock



Your article “Collisions at Top Cross”, evoked memories of sitting for hours in the summers of the late 40’s to mid 50’s, at the bottom of Porlock Hill in Somerset watching drivers in underpowered cars leaving their gear changes too late and consequently rolling back, sometimes I’m sorry to say with fatal results. At times this proved to be such a crowd puller that l can remember not being able to find anywhere to stand to see what was happening, having to rely on the ooh’s and aah’s of occupants of the grandstand seats farther up — and sometimes the cheers when a car made the first hairpin and disappeared from sight — noy always permanently!

There used to be a middle-aged man taking photographs — I believe he came from the Bristol area — he must have taken hundreds of fascinating prints.

Westbourne, Hants
John Hubbuck