The Triumph Southern Cross
In the February issue of Motor Sport, under the heading of “Vintage Postbag”, there is a letter from Mr. S. Basham, in which he denigrates the Triumph Southern Cross. Now I would be the first to agree that they were in the class of more sedate sports cars, but they did not lack “guts”.
I bought mine in 1946, and kept it for a couple of years, during which time it gave me excellent service. I used it in local and MCC trials, and it gave quite a good account of itself, and gained me several awards. The aluminium body (it was a full 4-seater), did not crack, and gave a reasonable ride, and with the friction shockers fairly tight, it was no slouch on corners.
It could be that mine was not the standard model, as it had twin spares, Rudge knock-on wheels, a delightful remote control gear change, and twin Solex carbs. There was also very full instrumentation.
In all it was a comfortable, reasonable job, with an adequate performance and reliable engine.
Chilton J. A. BRUNYEE
V-E-V Odds & Ends. A basketwork-bodied Chater-Lea cyclecar has had its first run in New Zealand, after restoration. The R-R EC celebrates its Coming-of-Age this year, with its usual full programme of events. It was founded in August 1957 with six members; the membership now totals over 3,000 throughout the World. The Secretary of the Railton OC has forsaken a Railton for an E-type Jaguar but says it is somehow not the same! The Morris Register will hold its International Rally at Donington Park on July 1st/2nd, with quite a number of members coming from Europe to attend. Therrn,. will be driving-tests and a barbecue on the Saturday and a Concours d’Elegance on the Sunday, together with a driving-test contest. between seven members of the invited Bullni se Club and seven members of the Morris Register, and lighthearted tests between Austin and Morris drivers for the Austin/Morris Trophy, Miss ATV will present the prizes. Details from E. Miller, 309 Nottingham Road, Eastwood, Nottingham. The last quarter’s issue of Veterantics, journal of the VCC of South Africa, contained an article about Chrysler Airflow saloons. The Horsham & DMC & LCC was founded in 1928 by E. G. Smith, who used to compete in trials, etc., on motorcycles, his last a 250 C.C. Competition-model Velocette two-stroke’ followed by a Morgan, BSA, and Reliant three-wheelers, a twin-gearbox Austin 7, and his ARM Special. He would like to hear from past members of this Club as there is to be a re-union in Warnham Village Hall on June 24th. His address is: 20 Guildford Road, Horsham, Sussex, RH12 1LS. The cover of the Model Engineer for March 3rd/16th had a colour picture of a 7 1/2 c.c five-cylinder rotary petrol engine with push-rod-operated overhead valves, which was highly commended at the last Model Engineer. Exhibition. The April Sotheby Sale of veteran vintage and other old cars is on the same date as the VSCC Race Meeting at Silverstone — which can, perhaps, be taken as a compliment to members of the VSCC, who are presumed to be far more keen on racing their cars than buying and selling them! — W.B.
The 12/50 Alvis Register, which caters for models down to 1931, has issued a useful Register of currently-owned members’ cars which gives date of first registrations, reg numbers, types of cars and their bodywork, and owners’ names, the last-named also being listed in alphabetical order, with addresses. From this interesting list I see that seven pre-1924 Alvis cars are known to the Register, the oldest be Alvis Limited’s 1920 Morgan-bodied 10/30 two-seater. There are eleven 1924 cars, includ Benfield’s “1 1/2-seater”, 15 12/50s, and one 12/40 dating as 1925 cars. The membership is seen to be 385, inclusive of a few Honorary Members.(I am now going through this fascinating list to if any of the several 12/50 and other Alvises I once owned are still about.) Non-members of the Register, can, incidentally, obtain this publication for £1.00, including postage, from the Register’s Hon. Sec., A. H. Salt, Quilting Ltd., 33 Mountgrove Road, London N5; but it is intended for genuinely interested persons, not car-dealers, I am informed. — W.B.