A Good Idea


As one can receive a summons for driving a car with incorrect tyre pressures, a device for indicating on each tyre valve the pressure at which a particular tyre should be inflated seems a useful idea, especially for fleet operators or those whose cars are used by other people. It consists of a set of four valve dust-caps with magnifying tops, beneath which can be inserted discs inscribed with figures indicating the tyre pressure. The caps have rubber extensions for securing them to the valve stern and press-out numbers are provided on a sheet which covers pressures from 16 to 32 lb./sq. in.-four of each. (Other figures can be supplied.) These fittings are called Tyrcap and they are made by Europat Marketing, Hampton, Middlesex.

News of Forthcoming Books

Books to be expected later this year include one about Jaguar sports-cars, one covering British light cars of the rather unlikely period 1930-1939, and Richard Crump’s Maserati history. An Allard history is also in the offing, and the Scott motorcycle book is expected soon.-W.B.

The Oakwood Press has added “The London `Routemaster’ Bus” by J.S. Waystaff and “Military Traction Engines and Lorries1858-1918” by R.W. Kidner to its historical series of soft-cover books. Both cost 90p, from Old School House, Tarrant Hinton, near Blandford, Dorset, the publisher’s new address.