"Grand Prix Ferrari"


“Grand Prix Ferrari” by Anthony Pritchard. 382 pp. 9 2/5 in. x 6 in. (Robert Hale & Co., 63 Old Brampton Road, London SW7. £5.50).

Pritchard is a prolific writer and this history of Ferrari Grand Prix cars, from the supercharged 1½-litre cars of 1948-1951 up to the Maranello renaissance of 1970-71, follows his usual pattern. It is simply a resume of what can be found elsewhere, set between covers and nicely illustrated. The racing performances of each type are tabulated after the appropriate descriptions, as are specifications of the various Ferraris. There have been so many other books about the great Italian make, however, that probably only rabid followers will decide to afford this extra one. Nor can I agree with the dust-jacket blurb that this book contains “more information about motor racing than has ever before been compiled in one volume”.—W.B.