Ideal pairs XIII



Referring to the Article “Ideal Pair” appearing in the February 1973 edition of MOTOR SPORT, at the end of which it is suggested that readers write giving their “ideal pair”, I respectfully submit my present combination for consideration—or committal to the waste paper basket.

We have four children, ranging in age from 16 to 9, growing larger every day and not forgetting one large, fat and happy labrador dog who likes his comfort, so obviously one of the “pair” had to offer generous accommodation. This we have found in a 1971 Opel Rekord Estate 1900L which, in addition to providing responsive, reliable, comfortable, well-finished motoring with reasonable economy, has proved capable of absorbing vast amounts of people, luggage and general paraphernalia, admittedly with the fitting of a roof-rack when the rare need arises. This car was bought new (£1,618 on the road) in March 1971 and in nearly two years has proved entirely reliable and free of any mechanical or bodywork defects, as well as being pleasant to drive.

The other half of the “ideal” combination is a 1972 Fiat 127, also bought new, which my wife—a busy general medical practitioner with a large practice—finds thoroughly suitable for her medical work, offering as it does ease of entry and exit, ease of parking, great economy and “nippiness” in traffic. Understandably, it is seldom off the road and in the year we have had it has proved reliable, only requiring attention to the indicator and windshield wiper switches on one occasion each. In conclusion, my interest in vintage cars is considerable, but at present-day prices for such vehicles, our “pair” will not, I fear, be converted into a “trio”.

A. A. McAlister.
[The letters and photographs are pouring in! Perhaps it will be possible to summarise those we cannot publish in full, in next month’s MOTOR SPORT.—ED.]