"Modern" M.G. Midgets



It was nice to see from the recent issues of MOTOR SPORT that these cars are still worthy of occasional mention in my favourite magazine.

Apart from the Group 4 insurance rating (which applies even to the 948 c.c. models) I wonder if people realise how cheap it is to run one of these delightful little cars. Mine (a 1966 1,098 c.c. model) cost me £350 over two years ago and is probably worth £300 now. Two weeks fully loaded camping in Scotland last year produced nearly 43 m.p.g. although hard use, e.g. rallying, can bring this down to a horrifying 35 m.p.g! These cars are very reliable and parts are reasonable and fairly easy to obtain. Excluding nonessential goodies, I have spent about £70 in repairs, tyres and maintenance in my period of ownership. This expense also covers some extra wear and tear on Trials and Autotests, branches of the sport to which the Midget is well suited.

The main disadvantages are fairly modest performance unmodified, a low top speed and cruising limited to the 60/70 m.p.h. range. Taking cost into account, these points are acceptable.

May M.G. Midgets be mentioned yet again!

Nigel C. W. Pratten.