Ideal pairs VI



Further to your Ideal Pair feature in the February issue, how about an Impecunious Enthusiast’s pair, which being so qualified I do own. First, a really old Mini, frugal “off” season motoring to save the pennies for better weather. Secondly, a fiery Series II Lotus Seven, rough and tough on the driver, but performance without a four-figure bank balance. It should be possible to pick up fair examples of both for about the price of the cheapest new cars, but prospective buyers should be warned that weekends are for preparing for the following five days motoring!

I confess I am a front wheel drive convert, having owned three Minis, but clear of the winter unpleasantness the Seven really comes into its own for on our congested roads. Driving a light car capable of generating forces almost equally in all directions (including up and down) is a real pleasure. Even the A5 loses some of its frustrations.

Before being branded as a lunatic boy-racer I should point out, and anyone who has sat in a “tin” seven will agree, that accident avoidance must be taken very seriously. The thought of running it into anything, even a Fiat 500, sends cold shivers down my spine. [I agreed. Dodgeability rather than safety gimmicks.—ED.].

Well that’s my “pair” and I’m well satisfied and if you or any of your staff would like to try a 200 + b.h.p. per ton “vibro massage” you’re very welcome!

M. S. Chaddock.