Jet Igniter Plugs



I have just read an article by one of your readers (Motor Sport, March, p. 199, signed B. Hendy) about Jet Igniter Plugs. In the letter the writer says the faulty plugs have to be returned to the U.S.A. When I bought my set there came with them a guarantee which had to be mailed to the U.S.A. I sent it. Some weeks later it was returned marked, “No such address known, no such firm known.” At the time I did nothing about it. However, since then my engine has “blown up” and I have had to have a new engine. My garage says these plugs were a contributory cause.

The only thing I can say in favour of these plugs is that my car runs just as well on premium-grade petrol as it does on 100-octane. My car is a Sunbeam Rapier.

Eurton. – A. N. Holden.