Vintage postbag, April 1965




Glancing, through your article “Thoughts about P.V.T.” in last month’s issue, I noticed that you ask how the list of accepted cars was arrived at.

Perhaps you have forgotten, it was arrived at by a Referendum sent to all members soon after it was decided to accept any post-1930 cars, and reported in the January 1946 Bulletin.

This seemed the most democratic way, giving all members a chance to express their personal opinion. The Committee can (as you say) accept certain rare cars and “specials” of particular interest at their discretion, and this has been done in a few cases.

Kingsclere. – T. W. Carson



W. B.’s article covers nearly all aspects of this subject very well. However, he, and other writers, do seem to ignore an important aspect of this matter. We are all aware of the possibility that the future may see further restrictions placed on the use of the motor car and on sporting activities. It is of the greatest importance therefore to all who own old cars that there should be a strong body to guard their interests and able to obtain a hearing for their viewpoint. Let no steps be taken which would diminish the size or the authority of the V.S.C.C. Individual Clubs and Registers have little power against authority and, to prove my point, I could give an example from a recent experience of this Club.

W. B. falls into one of the many traps which exist for those deciding which is the “right” sort of motor car. He says the early Alvis Speed 20 is in the vintage tradition but in condemning the “Firefly” forgets that the chassis of both cars were almost identical, except for the engine size, while Cross & Ellis built bodies for both models. Certainly there was no difference in the standard of construction and material used in both chassis. If one is to make a dividing line having some validity in 1904 between pre-war cars, surely it should be between the “hand” made and the mass-produced rather than the line laid down thirty years ago.

I should like to make two other points:—

(1) Is it wise to condemn too loudly some makes and models which, even now, have almost disappeared from the motoring scene? For example, the less sporting Alvis models played their part in keeping the Company afloat when so many others sank. Very soon the “letting in” or “keeping out” of some cars will be purely an academic argument if their owners feel they are not wanted.

(2) W. B. deals with improvements after the vintage year, mentioning 1932 as the “vintage” year for Sunbeam. This could be applied to other marques and many would consider the Speed 25 and 4.3-litre models (1937-9) as the peak or pre-war Alvis design.

New Malden – K.R. Day, General Secretary, Alvis O.C.



I read with interest your article concerning P.V.T. cars and their inclusion in the V.S.C.C., but I was shocked to notice that you appear to agree with Mr. Scott-Moncrieff when he condemns the Alvis Firefly as a “nasty little car.” The Firefly is neither little nor is it by any means ”nasty” – quite the opposite in fact.

Admittedly, it is under-engined but, on the other hand, it is well built, docile, easy to handle, and extremely reliable. My father’s car has taken us many thousands of miles with no trouble (barring occasional blockage of fuel pipes due to sediment in the tank) and although he has now forsaken it, due to pressure from you-know-where, for a more modern and more comfortable Riley, it is now used regularly by myself and will no doubt continue to do so for many years to come.

As to coachwork, the Firefly is not blessed with the finest frame in the world but, having helped to remove the body on our car prior to a complete rebuild (dry rot had set in) I will say that it is substantial and well constructed despite its minor faults.

Under-engined?—Yes. Conventional?—Yes. But nasty? NO!!

Glasgow. – W. Stewart Hamson.



As a pre-war Daimler apprentice I cannot remember many sleeve engines of any type produced after 1931, other than the V12, or “Double Six” as we called it. Incidentally, it may be of interest for me to state that several o.h.v. versions of this V12 were produced and installed in production cars, quite potent versions, even with large limousine body.

it may be my own faulty memory, but, frankly, I must confess that I cannot remember ever seeing a straight-8 sleeve-valve engine. All the sleeve-valve engines I ever saw were either 6- or 12-cylinders. W. B. is, of course, absolutely correct in designating the 3-1/2-Iitre as the “light straight-8.” We called it the V26, the larger engine being 4-1/2-litre, the V26 having integral head and the big engine a detachable head. The 4-litre was a development of the V26, about 1937/8, and had enhanced performance. I have “clocked” around 94 m.p.h. on these latter with sports saloon coachwork, while out on road test. The 3-1/2-litre and 4-1/2-litre poppet valve engines were introduced, I am fairly sure, in 1934.

The poppet valve Daimler 15 h.p. was introduced at the Motor Show of 1931, as was the Lanchester 10 h.p. made in the Daimler factory alongside the Daimlers and also poppet-valved from the commencement.

I remember W. B. writing at length on Daimlers with reasonable accuracy, so I rather feel his droll remark that Mr. Pomeroy caused Daimlers to “roll up their sleeves and woo poppets in 1936” is a misquote or a misprint. [Yes, I would put 1932/33 as the period by which production Daimlers all had poppet valves.—Ed]

My main object is to support W. B.’s contention in that there are some most attractively-bodied sporting Daimlers made in the era 1931-9, all with poppet o.h.v., and some which could easily out-perform accepted P.V.T. approved by the V.S.C.C.

It seems to me that it is the Wilson self-change gearbox and fluid flywheel that offends the P.V.T. purists. Armstrong Siddeley suffered similarly, although I had a short-chassis 17-h.p. version of this latter that was capable of around 80 m.p.h. and could see off many of the more esteemed P.V.T. classics, even with the Wilson box and centrifugal clutch.

Bude. – A. J. Rigby-Jones.

[The straight-8 Daimler engine was conceived as a sleeve-valve but went into production as a poppet-valve engine. My point is that by admitting only sleeve-valve Daimlers as P.V.T.s the V.S.C.C. unaccountably turns its back on the straight-8 and o.h.v. Double-Six models.—Ed]

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Vintage mass-production


If the vintage Morris method of building cars which required 50 lorries to transport engines, at 50 per lorry, from Coventry to Cowley is representative of the efficiency of that organisation, then it is a surprise that any cars were completed, let alone 335 per day.

Assuming that each lorry did one journey either way each day, then it can be seen that only 14 lorries would be required, leaving 36 idle somewhere.

Churchdown. – D. MacLean.

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Riley Nine horsepower


This discussion is interesting as in the 1930s I began to suspect that the use of a 1,172-c.c. Ford engine in a Riley Nine would improve the performance of this attractive car. Exactly why this should be was puzzling, as the Riley, with its hemispherical combustion chambers, had claims to sporting performance, while the Ford of the period was very much a family car.

Naturally, experiments of this type could never be mentioned to Riley owners of those days without fear of a “punch-up,” as they were usually proud of their cars and had paid enough for them to buy two Ford Tens. However, to anyone who had sampled the very modest acceleration of a standard Riley Nine, the suspicion was there.

It is now of course clear that the preoccupation of designers in the vintage era with exotic valve arrangements were misguided, and that they would have done much better to concentrate on the construction of a really rigid crankshaft and block, remaining content with the old “L”-head until this had been achieved. The study of any motorcycle engine of the 1920s will show that rigidity was properly understood by the designers of single-cylinder engines, the crank-pin being properly supported between two massive flywheels, which is one reason why motorcycle engines of the period gave such highpower in comparison to their cubic capacity – there were of course other reasons.

Reverting to Rileys, I remember an article in one of the weekly motoring papers in 1931 comparing a Riley Nine with a G.N. of 1921, to show the progress made over a period of 10 years. The odd choice of cars was apparently justified by their similar cubic capacity and the fact that they both cost between £250 and £300 when new.

So far as I can recall, satisfactory progress was noted on most counts, though the G.N. scored well on acceleration and fuel consumption. It would be interesting to re-read this article if any vintage reader happens to have it. [it sounds like something from the late-lamented Light Car & Cyclecar.—Ed.]

Hampton Wick. – Edward Riddle.



At the risk of confusing the issue further in the matter of Riley Nine engine performance, may I quote from the Proceedings of the Institution of Automobile Engineers for t935? In a paper read by L. J. Shorter of the Singer Motor Co. Ltd., entitled “Small Car Engines,” and from figures supplied by Percy Riley, the standard Riley Nine engine gave 34.5 b.h.p. at 4,100 r.p.m.. and the 2-carburetter version 41.5 b.h.p. at 5,000 r.p.m. Compression ratio, b.m.e.p., torque and valve timing were identical at 6.2 to 1, 114 lb./sq. in., 50 lb. ft. at 2,600 r.p.m., and 5° a.t.d.c., 45°, 25°, 5° respectively.

No reference is made to any other means of obtaining the additional power. The increase is referred to, just a little vaguely, as “… mainly due to the use of single or twin carburetters…”

Westoning. – John E. Farestvedt.

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Data wanted


I am just beginning researches on behalf of the Bean Car Club into the history of the Bean car. I would be grateful if you could mention this fact in the next issue of Motor Sport and that I would be pleased to receive any literature or photographs on this subject.

Woodley. – Jonathan Wood, Assistant Secretary and Historian, B.C.C.

[Letters can be forwarded. – Ed.)

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That Renault 45


I was most interested to see the photograph of the Renault 45 in Malaya. I saw this car many times during my recent stay in Malaya as it seemed to be entered in almost every event I went to, be it Speed Trials or Rallies.

When its owner entered for the 1963 North Malayan Rally he fitted an extra fuel tank to the car in order to take full advantage of the Shell offer of a free topping-up of petrol at the start. By the time 60 gallons of free Shell had “topped up” the Renault, the Shell representative was looking rather dismayed, while the owner of the Renault looked distinctly “one up.”

During the rally I believe the car averaged about 4-1/2 m.p.g.

I’m sure that this car must be the most active of any of its type left in existence.

Newport Pagnell. – R. Millard

* * * * *


It was nice to see the photograph of J. W. Wright’s Renault 45. A little about this car; it was a regular competitor in all sorts of motoring events in Malaya, if my memory serves me correct, two years ago it took part in the 2-day North Malaya Rally and consumed so much petrol that shares went up overnight, and in a Kilometre sprint at Batu Gayah it returned a time of 44.64 sec. from a standing start, not bad for a 45-year-old car.

As far as I know the Renault is still motoring strong along with Minerva, Marlborough, Peugeot, Austin 7, and so on, all in the 40- to 50-year-old bracket.

Fowey. – C. D. Came.

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I was very interested to read your article “White Elephantitis” dealing with Renault 45s. I know the illustrated Malaysian car well and would correct your caption thereto. The registration number BC 6510 is in fact not British—the letters BC refer to the State of Selangor, now an integral part of Malaysia and the county-sized area in which lies the capita] Kuala Lumpur.

The owner, Guy Ravenscroft, is a geologist in the tin mining industry out there, and he is at this very moment on a visit, with the car, to New Zealand for the great vintage gathering now going on there.

Finally, it is the Gibson-Jarvie car, and it is in absolutely concours condition.

Chapel-en-le-Frith. – P. R. W. Jupe.

* * * * *


I thought I would write and tell you how much I appreciated the superb article on the Renault 45. As a matter of interest, we already have one of these cars in our V. & V. section, which belongs to M. Henri Malartre, a recent member who is also the curator/founder of the H. Malartre Musée de l’Automobile at the Château de Rochtaillée sur Saône, nr. Lyon, France, a museum which claims to be the first automobile museum in France; furthermore, we also know of another example in the States and another being restored in New Zealand by a 8.3-owning Club member. You will see, therefore, that although this particular genus of elephant is rare, it is not quite extinct!

Wokingham. – H. G. Mackenzie-Wintle.

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Who was first with light-alloy pistons?


In justice to Marc Birkigt, I must correct Mr. Pickford’s remark that “Hispano-Suiza were experimentally using the aluminium piston in 1918.”

All Hispano aircraft engines, from the prototype V8 tested in March 1915 on, had aluminium pistons.

Indeed, I believe the pre-war 85 x 130 o.h.c. Hispano cars had alloy pistons. Certainly the cut-away engine (dated 1913) in the Le Mans museum does.

Your correspondent is unnecessarily severe with “Old Tom.” The old chap may be a little weak on his dates—I think the 160 h.p. Curtiss went into production in 1914 not 1912—but it certainly had aluminium pistons, as did the 0 x 5 (1915)—at least mine does.

I don’t think W. O. Bentley anywhere claims he “invented” aluminium pistons, either for cars or aero engines. He was certainly the first person to use them successfully in rotary engines, a most important contribution.

Alloy pistons were in use experimentally as early as 1910, but what was the first production car to list them as standard equipment? There must have been some before the war (besides Hispano). In the June 1915 “Transactions ” of the S.A.E. there is a paper on aluminium alloy pistons which includes the sentence “Many (such) pistons . . . have been in service in 4 in. and 4-1/8 in. motors for over three years.” The discussion at the end of the paper reveals considerable experience of and familiarity with the problems involved.

I suggest that your correspondents dig a little deeper into the facts instead of sniping at each other in defence of Mr. Bentley— as if he needed it!

Malvern, Pa., U.S.A. – Old Harry.”

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A problem of identity


I owned this runabout for many years. I was told it was a Black Prince made in Barnard Castle, and was a 1914 model. I bought it from Mr. Siddle Cook, Haulage Contractor, of Consett, County Durham. I gave him £12 10s. to prevent it rotting away. He had purchased it and fitted a new set of tyres and tubes. It was lying in the snow in his back yard.

At one time—it may have been the Festival Year—it was in a procession in Consett, then driven (and part towed) by Mr. John Wallace, of Castleside; it did motor at one time. I have complete photographs of same.

At one time I had intended reconditioning it, but it was not fit to go on the road, and so it was stored for many years, until I decided to come south in 1961. I was clearing out my stable, and had advertised my 12/50 Alvis saloon for sale, and if anyone bought the Alvis I decided I would give the Black Prince away. I had two young farmer types from Lamesby, County Durham. They did not buy the Alvis but I gave them the cyclecar, and they said they intended to rebuild it. It is obvious they haven’t as Mr. Douglas Capes of Hexham has come across it. The date stamped on the engine unit was 1923.

Lanchester. – G. M. G. Oliver.

[Various other solutions were sent in, but none fitted. Now we know—it’s a Black Prince cyclecar.—Ed.]

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More Deemster data


Prior to my joining the Deemster concern I was apprenticed to the Motor Engineering and the first car I drove was the de Dion. This particular car (3-1/2 h.p.) required my dismounting to enable it to negotiate the various hills in the district. I also drove an 18/23 B.S.A. which a friend of my father had left with us for a day or two; I did not possess a driving licence, not being of age to get one.

At the end of my apprenticeship I went to Newmarket for a spell with Kempton Cannon (an ex-jockey), who had the agency for 6-cylinder Standards. Among the racing clients we had a trainer’s big Mercedes, and a C.G.V. which belonged to Danny Maher, the jockey; it was a 75-h.p. 4-cylinder and required a hefty chauffeur to start it. Danny Maher would drive himself out to dinner and leave the engine ticking over until he was ready to return home. I think it did about 7 m.p.g., and would run on its high top gear down the High Street at Newmarket through the strictly enforced 10-m.p.h. speed limit.

I then went to Cheltenham for three years until war broke out. Whilst I was with the firm I gave a demonstration run on a 2-cylinder Swift we had for sale to a National Hunt jockey who implored me to back his mount in the Grand National, and after he had won he would buy the car. I could have got 66 to 1 for my fiver; the horse won by hundreds of yards at 1007-starting price. I backed four horses but not the winner amongst them.

I joined up for the R.A.S.C. M-Transport but found myself in the “Gloucesters,” from which there was no escape, but I did manage to transfer to the R.F.C. at the latter end of the war.

My acquaintance with the Deemster was not promising, as I had not driven a car for five years. The car was parked on a narrow slope leading to the machine shop, and my reversing this car up the slope, slipping the leather cone fierce clutch, did not exactly flatter my driving (but I satisfied the Sales Manager), and as far as I can remember we still retained the cone clutch but softened its action by the introduction of curved steel inserts under the leather.

I had on a few occasions driven the single-seater to Brooklands, and on arriving at the Track on one occasion we could not get any revs. out of the engine. The floor was littered with various types of sparking plugs and as it was by then nearly pitch dark, I gave it up as a bad job and prepared to depart for home when I had an awful thought. When leaving the works at Acton that afternoon I had been pushed-started and I had made the sign that it was O.K. and off I went. I used to let the car run on its fast tick-over, which would take you along at about 20 m.p.h., and not having a silencer the engine did not make too much noise. The car was also fitted with a low-down funnel device on the end of the induction pipe, and the method of starting the engine was to stuff a rag up the funnel until the engine fired and then remove the rag. My pusher-off, who had stuffed the rag in the funnel and should then have unstuffed it, had failed to do so when the engine fired, leaving me unconscious of the fact. Of course, removing the rag solved the problem and all was well.

Another tale concerning this car. I was acting as mechanic to “a driver” who was driving it in a hill-climb. I had filled up the engine with oil but he thought I had overfilled it, so I drained the sump under his instructions and replaced the plug. He made his first run up the hill, which was not very satisfactory, and then, sitting on the tail, I went with him down the road to turn round, and I told him to put his foot down, this producing an awful clatter (of its big-ends, the sump by now being empty of oil). He gravely informed me that the universal joint had given out as I had previously told him we were having trouble with them.

The standard 2-seater which had been tuned-up to win the President’s Gold Cup at Brooklands was a very pleasant car to drive; its engine would tick-over and respond right away to the throttle, and would give you quite a kick driving it on the road, passing astonished drivers of their more exalted makes. I was under the impression that the engine castings were of Belgian origin and I can remember a pile of them weathering in the open yard at Southfield Road.

The Deemster had quite a few teething troubles, and perhaps Mr. Hester can recall blaming me for sitting an off front wheel down in the road, due to my turning round in the road at “speed,” and the vindication of my explanation when he himself pulled up at the office entrance and also set a wheel down! A modification of the “taxi-cab” lock followed. I cannot confirm production was 15 to 20 a week, and it never reached this figure. The thin-gauge radiators produced by the A.S.M. did not like performing the function of being a cross-member of the chassis, and until a thicker gauge metal was used, leaks were very prominent. The paint and varnishing department under Mr. Cowlin (I have still a paint brush he gave me) produced a very glossy finish but never hardened off before delivery, and the finished cars tested before delivery used to arrive back very weather beaten, but he revived them as new with his own reviving mixture of vinegar, linseed oil and, I believe, meth., mixed in a bottle.

You mention Mr. Hester paying his drivers £5 for a gold medal. I don’t recall my having a fiver for my London to Manchester effort, and I also won a silver cup for a special-bodied coupé at Stratford-on-Avon (July 1923). Mention of Mr. Scofield and his Sunbeam recalls that I drove down to Brighton one hot day with Mrs. Scofield and family, and had six punctures and ran out of spare inner tubes, finishing the run with one tyre packed with grass. Taking one of these “Magnum” covers to Dunlops the next day, I listened to the explanation being given to other complainants and when it came to my turn I told the explainer: “Don’t point your pencil to holes in the fabric, just admit they are bad tyres.” I got a new set and a terrific discount, and the tyre was eventually discontinued.

Reverting to the Deemster, your mention of the 200-Mile race Deemster. You state this had an Anzani engine, which is, of course, not so, only the single-seater had this engine. Driving this car from Brooklands one day, via Chertsey, I was “pinched” going up the hill before dropping down to Chertsey. I smelt burnt rubber whilst the Bobby was taking particulars, and I only let on when he said, “Do you smell burning?” I said “Yes, it is your mac. which is cooking on the exhaust pipe.”

In conclusion, the demise of the Deemster was brought about by the advent of the Anzani engine delivering too much power to the hind parts of the chassis, which was never fully redesigned, and also the scheme for producing 150 a week and the capital which was going with it not coming to fruition.

Bridgwater. – S. Coulson.

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Bugatti blocks stolen


I recently had stolen the cylinder blocks and supercharger from my Type 43 Bugatti (the engine being at the time in pieces).

It strikes me as possible that they may have been taken with a view to selling them to some needy, but quite unsuspecting, person abroad. If this should meet the eye of anyone who thinks my bits may have been sold to him, I should be most grateful for any help in catching the thief. I hasten to add that I have no need to recover the stolen parts as I have been able to replace them.

It is deplorable to think that even the world of vintage motoring should now be degraded by individuals as low as this thief must be, and who certainly knows his way very well around the vintage movement.

Westminster. – Cecil Clutton.

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Singer Junior steering


Come off it! I can’t vouch for your Armstrong Siddeley “elephant,” but there is certainly nothing crude about Singer Junior steering connections. Maybe they’re not chrome plated, hand polished or even slot peered, but they are simple, plain, well made rods and levers, fitted where needed with simple, plain, well made adjustable ball joints. I would even go so far as to say that the Junior steering is one of the most precise I have had the pleasure of using. My stripped 1928 version has been known to “flap” its front wheels at Woodcote, but that was caused by under inflation of the tyres not from crudity in its steering odds and lobs!

Trusting that you will withdraw the monstrous slander!

London, N.16. – M. Abrahams.

[Well, Mr. Abrahams should know, for he is the current Singer racing driver. What is wrong with both Armstrong Siddeley and Singer Junior steering geometry is that a transverse drag-link is used.—Ed.]

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The Richardson and Brennabor


In response to Mr. Buchanan’s letter in the January issue of Motor Sport, perhaps the following information on the Richardson light car may be of interest.

The standard model, in 1920, was fitted with a double dickey body, similar in shape to the contemporary O.N. tourer, with buttoned upholstery, no doors and the headlamps mounted on the scuttle. There was a choice of an 8 h.p. air-cooled V-twin J.A.P. engine or a 10 h.p. 85 x 96 mm. Precision. The power was transmitted through an open propeller-shaft and flexible joint to a friction drive mounted at the rear of the chasses. Final drive was by roller chain. A straight, tubular front axle (brakeless) was fitted and the car boasted semi-elliptic springs fore and aft, spoked wheels but no spare. The “radiator” was steeply raked back in the manner of the Jowett of the mid-thirties.

It made an appearance. at the Midland Light Car Club’s Rally at Stratford-on-Avon on May 8th, 1920, and was then advertised at £275 complete with windscreen, hood, bulb horn, electric lighting set, a full kit of tools, jack and pump by Wood, Walsh and Co. of Sheffield who had placed large contracts for these wonderful hill-climbers.” However, by the time the Motor Show came round, Parkers, who had showrooms in Bolton and Manchester, were advertising them for £262 10s.

The only mention I have of the German Brennabor car is of the 10 h.p. model of 1914-15, which had a 3-seat cloverleaf body, detachable wheels, dynamo lighting and a mechanical starter.

Orpington. – Michael J. Pound.

[This is but one of many letters we have received about the Richardson cyclecar, one of which still exists in Sheffield, another in Leeds. The last one / saw was standing in a garden off Clapham Common in the early ‘thirties—Ed.]


Vintage odds and ends.—We regret to have to announce the death of Mr. F. H. Hayward, General Sales Manager of Romac Industries Ltd. His first car was a La Licorne, his last. a Jaguar. In 1923 Mr. Hayward acquired an agency in this country for Delahaye and F.N., and in 1925 went to live on the continent, where he sold Hispano-Suiza, Georges Irat and Voisin cars, driving in the Coupe des Allies, la Route Pavee and the Belgium Grand Prix. Mr. K. K. Gibbs, of James Walker & Co. Ltd., whose “Lion” gaskets have been of so much help to vintage car re-builders, points out that his new telephone number is Woking 5951, on which inquiries about gaskets can be taken. The Alvis Owner Club’s National Alvis Day will take place on May 9th, at the Crystal Palace. Over 300 Alvis cars are expected and details are available from K. B. Brettell, Esq., 151A, Preston Hill, Kenton, Harrow, Middlesex. R. L. Hurrell is compiling a Register of A.B.C. cars, while a friend of his is coping with A.B.C. motorcycles, 90 of which have been “found” to date. Mr. Hurrell’s address is 46, Hardy Road, Bishops Cleeve. Cheltenham, Glos.

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Discoveries.—We hear of a 1930 Rover Nine, a Bullnose Morris and 1932 B.S.A., suitable for restoration, seeking new homes and we hear that in the North there is a rough 1930 Fiat saloon and 1924 Clyno chassis for sale at a garage.


E.R.A. Club dinner (March 1st)

This year’s dinner was held at The Public Schools Club, the Chair being taken by Raymond Mays. Those present who have driven E.R.A.s were: Ian Connell, Mrs. Kay Petre, Reggie Tongue, R. Mays, Peter Berthon, the Hon. Patrick Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Gerard, Barrie Eastick, Dudley Gahagan, A. G. Murray, Jack Bond, Arthur Dobson, C. P. Marsh, G. Whitehead, J. Bolster, Bob Ansel!, Leslie Brooke, David Kergon, Bill Morris, Peter Brewer, Douglas Hull, Bill Moss, Martin Brower, Peter Hull and Peter Waller.

After Mays had proposed “The Queen,” Reggie Tongue proposed a toast to the Club and remarked that it was as much pleasure to follow Mays now as it had been to follow him on the circuits before the war. He expressed admiration for E.R.A. owners and thanks for being allowed to drive an E.R.A. at Oulton Park. The Hon. Patrick Lindsay proposed a toast to the guests, saying he knew less about his E.R.A. than anyone else in the room, but it was one of the nicest. He started racing an F.2 H.W.M.-Alta and today enjoys the tremendous help and friendship existing amongst owners and drivers of pre-war racing cars. He hoped post-war competition had been got rid of, but was sure that E.R.A.s would in any case put up a good fight—he likes to think of them as the Evergreen Racing Cars. He reminded those present that the E.R.A.s will conform to the 1966 formula 1! He would rather see Romulus at Silverstone than Beaulieu … Philip Turner replied and paid tribute, amongst others, to Leslie Brooke and Bob Gerard. The Rivers Fletcher Trophy was presented to the Hon. Patrick Lindsay for his victory at Rouen in Remus last year, by Kay Petre, who remarked that her Austin team-mate Charles Goodacre had advised her on these occasions to “stand-up, speak-up and shut-up,” so she would merely remark “Rule Britannia. there will always be E.R.A.s.” Peter Berthon also spoke.