

One of the appendices to “The History of Brooklands Motor Course – 1906-1940,” by William Boddy (Grenville Publishing Co. Ltd., 15, City Road, London, E.C.1; 50s,), a book which is still selling steadily eight years after publication, is devoted to the Brooklands Certificates issued by the B.A.R.C. The contents of 2,494 of these certificates are revealed in this appendix, less those covering records, which are dealt with elsewhere in this 368-page tome. They provide an insight into those exploits undertaken at Brooklands for purposes of publicity, curiosity, research or merely to settle an argument, and officially timed by the Track authorities. Many more runs of this kind were subject merely to checks by private stop-watches, of course.

The last Certificate listed in the aforesaid book is No. 2,494, issued on October 3rd, 1935, relating to a Squire which covered the ½-mile at 102.27 m.p.h. The first was issued on September 20th, 1907, and confirmed that the 200-h.p. V8 Darracq of Sir Algernon Guinness had been timed at 112.2 m.p.h. over 20 chains. There is a note at the end of this Appendix IV saying that “No further certificates appear to have been issued.”

However, since Boddy’s book was published he has obtained more old documents relating to Brooklands, under slightly dramatic circumstances. Having now had time to examine these, it is apparent that a few more B.A.R.C. Certificates were issued. As the majority of copies of the Brooklands book were ordered by Motor Sport readers, who may wish to include the data from these additional certificates in their copies, we append the data below, with apologies to those to whom this material is of no interest. :–