Miniatures News, April 1964


Not resting on their laurels with their new “Classics,” described in Motor Sport last month, Corgi have added another of their normal miniatures to the Playcraft Toys range. This is a Citroën ID Safari equipped as a tender car for this year’s Olympic Games. It has a skier in full competition-rig, who can be fitted with skis from the roof of the model and made to “ski” down a suitable slope. Or he can ride in the back of the Citroën with his skis, sticks and a spare set of these on the car’s roof-rack. The model, which is 4¼ in. long, has remote-control folding rear seats, opening rear door, and Olympic Games emblem on the bonnet. No. 475 in the Corgi Toys series, it sells for 6s. 9d. complete. For commercial vehicle enthusiasts Lesney have a Matchbox King Size “Hoveringham ” Foden 8-wheel tipper truck (K-1) and, in the same series, a Taylor Jumbo crane (K-14). The former, to a scale of 69 : 1, is 4¼ in. long and retails at 5s. 6d.; the latter is to a scale of 58 : 1, 5¼ in. long and cost 4s. 6d. Another clever new Corgi miniature is Hopkirk’s Monte Carlo Rally-winning Morris Mini-Cooper S, complete with roof spotlamp (which actually rotates) and No. 37 on its doors, although the many front spot and fog-lamps that shone a way for the Irish driver do not appear on the model. Naturally, this 2 7/8 in.-long Mini carries rally-plates front and back and is in the correct colours. No. 317 in the Corgi range, it was on sale only six weeks after Hopkirk’s victory, price 4s. 6d. Corgi also had another model out last month—a Commer ambulance, 3½ in. long, costing 5s. 3d. No. 463, this is jug the job for standing beside a model race layout.

The latest Solido release is a wire-wheeled Ferrari sports/racing car, selling for 9s. (10s. post free), from Auto-Models Ltd., 70, Finsbury Pavement, E.C.2.—W. B.