In the issue of MOTOR SPoar for June of last year in an article dealing with Grand Prix races in 1961, comments were made which, it has been suggested, could be taken to mean that Mr. Rob Walker’s and Mr. Stirling Moss’s entries for certain races were not made in good faith and with a sincere intention of winning, and that their object in entering races with cars likely to break down was to collect the starting money. Both the author and the publisher wish to make it quite clear that no such meanings were either contemplated or intended and if the words were in fact read in any such sense then they offer their sincere apologies to Mr. Rob Walker and Mr. Stirling Moss for any distress or embarrassment they may have been caused by the publication; further, they are happy to record, that it seems to them inconceivable that anybody knowing Mr. Walker or Mr. Moss, and their high reputations, could possibly imagine that the suggestion complained of was being made.