
“MOTOR SPORT” READERS’ CAR SURVEY The tirst part of t he result of the Readers” Car Survey, based on a questionnaire sent out in February, is published in this issue. We wish to thank all those readers who responded so promptly, by returning the questionnaires full of exeeedingly revealing, informative and detailed data. The response represents 25″, of the 125;txxi forms distributed which was overwhelming_and-constitutes:a record, especially as the time factor ruled out

replies from the majority of our overseas subscribers (hundreds, however, have arrived by air mail), of whom Martin SnonT has a very large number. However, these will be incorporated into the final results which will be listed at the conclusion of the make-by-make stirveys. It will be several months before we can publish complete results of this unique survey, but a start has been made with readers’ experiences with three

different ors. These are the B.M.C.

Mini-cars, which represent the advanced thinking of a brilliant engineer, the VW, because somehow Moron Spina ins to be associated with this extremely popular car, and the inexpensive but fast Triumph TR sports cars. We shall Continue this intimate and revealing analysis next month, %ORM we propose to deal with the Triumph Herald, the small Ford, Austin Healey and Renault. Careful study of the results of the

Maroit SPowr Readers’ Car Survey will prove of immense benefit to prospective car-buyers and will will alsd guide you in which oil, petrol and tyres, ete., are likely to serve you best. Recently great interest Was evoked by the Consumers’ Association independent car tests, but whereas they are subscribed to by 77,000. members, the findings Of the Murcia Snowr Car Survey are bought by nearly double that number of people and total readership is in the region of half a million. Indeed, Audit Bureau of Circulation figures show Mama Snonr to have the secondlargest circulation among British motoring journals and that we are quickly closing the gap on the best-seller, a weekly trade journal, founded :to years earlier.

Under the circumstances this Car Survey cannot fail to have an enormous impact on the industry, and its ancillary companies, as well as being of outstanding interest to private motorists. It would not have been possible without our readers’ enthusiastic co-operation, for which we thank them sincerely.