The Cost of Motoring



Mr. N. S. Smith, who wrote of brake lining work he had had done, mentioned that he was charged 5s. for fitting and riveting two pairs of shoes. I asked the Mintex Depot at Southwark Street, London, to fit just one, repeat one, pair of brake shoes with linings which were my own property. The invoice is as follows :

Customer’s own materials.             s.   d.

Drilling 24 holes at 2d. per hole      4   0 

Supplying 24 rivets at 2d. per rivet 4   0

Forming liners to radius                   3   0

Fitting                                                  6   0


                                                            17   0

I was fortunate in escaping a charge for the paper the invoice was written on.

Thank goodness Trojans have only one drum brake!

I am, Yours, etc., D. J. Williams.  Chislehurst.