
PREPAID RATES FOR PRIVATE ADVERTISERS 9d. per word (maximum number allowed 80) Minimum Charge 9/-. Box Numbers, 2/6 extra. Box No. Address : ” Motor Sport,” 15-17, City Road, London, E.C.I

No insertion will be made unless prepaid. Copy received after first post on the 20th of the month will be held over until the next issue unless cancelled in writing before the 10th of the following month. The publishers reserve the right to refuse or withdraw copy without notice and do not hold themselves responsible for matters arising from office or works errors.


VINTAGE SUNBEAM SIXTEEN close-coupled coupe. completely original. Mechanically sound, good brakes and steering. All electrics M working order; body sound but Interior tatty. 435. Lyne House, Lingtield, Surrey. Tel.: 137. (61r4 LAfscIA APRILIA, 1938. Very good condition. Extensive mechanical reconditioning. Small mileage since. Extras. 4225 o.n.o. 22, Avalon Road, Earley, Reading, 16188 z953 JAVELIN t.e luxe. AdvertiSec1 February. 4365, no replies. Why ? Tel.: Birmingham 61 E 2708. 16190 RILEY 11, 1949, B.R.G. Well maintained, good condition. Haggle 4310. ‘I el.: Adderbury

:Oxon) oo 16191 1937 2-LIRE saloon, heater. 435 to good home. • 1 el.: EVeSilanl 2630. [6192 1927 A.7 CHUMMY, good condition. New rad, and battery; brass tad., etc. 460 0.11.0. [..rnAnS,„ 25, Newman Street, Higham Ferrets, Northants. 16193 LANCIA APRILIA, 1937. Aluminium d.h.c. body by Eagle. Very good cond. throughout. /.:210 o.n.o. 44, Old Park Road, Sheffield 8, 16194 1949 RILEY-DUNCAN Special. 1.5-litre Riley chassis, 1.1.s., rack-pinion steering, torsion bars. Professional aerodynamic aluminium sports body by Duncan. immaculate. .C420. 18, Church Way, N.20. Tat ENT 8171. 16195

RAPIER (LAGONDA), 1938,. Often 4-seater. Engine overhauled, 3,000. £150. 2, Garth Villas, Uphill Way, Weston-super-Mare. 16196 M.G. 12. Rebuilt, original, latest-type lights. Chrome, paintwork and hood new. Four earburetters, high performance. Engineer owned. Bargain, 4175. ‘I el.: Bearwood 3927. 63, Willow Avenue, Edgbaston, Birmingham 17. 16597 AUSTIN SEVEN SPECIAL, alloy body, modified suspension, weather equipment. 465. 19, The Avenue, Leagrave, Luton. 16198 ASTON MARTIN, 1933, Le Mans. Mechanics, electrics, body, weather protection very good. Mk. 11 camshaft, new tyres. Funds required for new house. Nearest offer 4275 secures. Tel.: FROdsham 2227.6199 SINGER SINGER SPECIAL One of the loveliest ” specials” in South London. Dark green. VVrap-round screen. Coventry-Climax engine. Trimmed in grey and red. Nearest offer 4285. 1. Caesar, 3, Ilarifield Crescent, Wimbledon. ‘Eel.: LIB

7169. [6200 M.G. TA, /937. Reconditioned engine. Bodywork reasonable. Bills available. Any reasonable offers. Wilson, Hatherclen, Andover. [6201 FREE CANVAS COVER to buyer of really excellent 11-litre Riley Kestrel. 455. Details : 64, Gaer Park Drive, Newport, Mon. (6203 HILLMAN AEROMINIs 2)4-seat sports, well maintained. Pitted Derrington h.c. head. Also spare engine and parts with, or separate. Reasonable offers considered. White. 49, West Common Way, I larpcnden. Tel.: 1165. [6204 LAGONDA 26/8o SPECIAL Six, 1954. Tourer, black with B.R.G. wheels. In outstandingly fine condition throughout. Full details, history and photo, from A. J. Hope, 1, St. Clement’s Road, Wigan. [6205 ALFA-ROMEO 6C, 1948, 211-litre 516-stater G.T. saloon. Independent all round. Excellent Mechanical order. Very attractive aluminium body and interior in exceptional condition. A real crowd gatherer. Owner posted abroad, otherwise would not sell, Coo. 56, Carlton Terrace, Cambridge

Road, N.18. Tel.: l’Al. 3816, weekends. [6206 ARMSTRONG SIDDELEY 234 saloon. May 1957.

Synchromesh gearbox. 28 m.p.g., t02 M.p.h., 0-60 in 12.8 seconds: Excellent condition. Comfort, performance with economy I 4725. H.P. arranged. zo5, Dark Lane. Batley, Yorkshire. Tel.: Batley 939. [6207 M.G. SPECIAL, 90% complete. Aluminium body. Needs lighting. CO o.n.o. Bramsdon. 47, London Road, Horsham. Tel.: 4986. [6208

SUPERCHARGER, ARNOTT, for Zephyr Mark II. Complete kit, brand new and unused, 4,8s.

Tel.: Burgh Heath 6204. [6269 1955 STANDARD EIGHT de luxe. Alexander conversion. Reconditioned, engine. Heater. 4380. Ricketts, I I, Upton Road, Slough. [6210 ’36 FORD TEN. Mechanics good. Suitable “special.” 410. 22, ChapelfieldS, Harlow. Tel.: Potter Street 243. [624 LAMBDA, 8th BERMS, short-chassis, very attractive and fast machine, sound in wind and limb. Would consider exchange, with cash adjustment either way. Atkinson, Titness Park, Sunninghill, Berkshire. Tel.: Ascot 1398. 16212 RILEY NINE. Rebuilt. New 4150 low-build ” ‘Traveller” body. r6-in, wheels, crash box. Spares. Sacrifice at 485 o.n.o. .rei. (evenings) : Staines 52867. (6213 1938 ASTON MARTIN 2-litre d/h. Needs attention to engine and chassis. Any reasonable offer considered. Tel.: Yapton (Sussex) 366, evenings. 16214 FRESH FROM ITALY : Lancia zsoo Gran Turismo. August 1955. R.H.D. Black/beige. 32,000 miles. That crackling motor which distinguishes best Lancias. Specialist maintained. Electronic radio. 1956 modifications. Sacrifice, 1,350 guineas, because owner returning Italy. Box

No. K.:tr. 5. [6215 M.G. TA, 5937. Red. Immaculate,. You’ll be sorry if you min. it. .C150, OC Cates (above ?). Tel.: Beckenham 8640. [6216 M.G. PA 2.-Seater, red. Excellent condition throughout. Twin witones. 4125 o.n.o. ” Triangle.” Maltmans Lane, Gerrards Cross. Tel.: 3740. 1.62t8 C930 ALVIS zz/so wide 2-seater, weatherproof, used daily. 475. 58. Lower Blandford Road, Broad stone, Dorset. Tel.: Maidstone zr I 3. [6219 ASTON MARTIN MK. II 2/4-seater. New type rods, exhaust valves, guides, springs, exhaust system, tonneau, batteries. Brakes relined. Four rood tyres. All bills. Immaculate black. E325. Tel.: Ingrebounte 43294. 8, Redden Court Road, Harold Wood, Essex. (6221 1937 FRAZER NASH-B.M.W., r2/5s, Hydraulic brake conversion. Wants some doing engine, wingS, paint, upholstery. Enthusiast-mechanic could make this a beauty small cost. Sacrifice, 435. Really worth investigating. Dallison, Kingsway, Mildenhall, Suffolk. Tel.: 2539, evenings. week ends. [6222

M.G. t -1.1-TRE VA Tickford d.h.c. Fast, reliable, comfortable thoroughbred. New Vynide hood, new tyres, body very good, rewired throughout. Flashers. Engine overhauled, negligible oil consumption. Well maintained. 4200 or near offer. ‘rd.: Reigate 5427. evenings. (6223 1936 RILEY NINE Merlin. Good all round condition. Two-tone. 4,roo. Inman, 609, ‘Davidson Road, E. Croydon, Surrey. (6224 ALVIS, 1937. Speed ‘I wenty-five Charlesworth saloon. Reliable car in very fair order throughout. Present owner 31 years parting in favour of 4.1. Demonstrated any reasonable distance by arrangement. 4t my, or offer. Tel. : Maidstone 7246 or Mincing Lane 8594 during working hours. Little Preston Lodge, Aylesford, Kent. [62z6 s1-LITRE RILEY. ’47. Enthusiast maintained; first-class condition, new roof, radio, heater, spots, the lot. 427o. Burke, TO, Rollason Road, Erding ton, Birmingham. 16227

BENTLEY 31, Nov., 1935, Park Ward sports saloon. Well kept. Gearbox, rear axle, brakes recently overhauled. Paintwork chrome good. Trial London. 435o. Box No. L.229. [6229 RILEY FALCON 12/4. Engine rebuilt, gearbox. brakes, steering Overhauled by Wesbell, the Riley Specialists, at coat ot 4153 (bah). Not 4,000 miles since. Also new Shockers. Smashed nearside Irons wing, damaged door and running board ofBide front wing. Sensible offers from Riley fans or the extra special builder. Hooper, so. Woodhaw, Egham. Surrey, 16230 RILEY. GOOD SELECTION Oland Spares. Nine and 11, 1935-7. Box No. L.235, Or ring ChertSey 2269. [6231 AQUAPLANE zooE SUP1ERHEAD, twin 1 Z SAL inlet, 4-branch exhaust, air filters. 427. Carpenter, n. Hillsview Road, Ainsdale, Southport, Lancs. I el. : Southport 78781. [6232 MINOR woo convertible. Alexander conversion,

heater, towing bar. Very good condition. 4510. H.P. arranged. Brown, lir5, Sutton Road. Ban Connor, Walsall. Td. : Kings Norton 1134. office hours. [6233 SUNBEAM FOURTEEN, 1923. Excellent original condition. Offers. 1Jr1win, 63, Bushey Hall Road. Bushey. Hens, Tel. : Watford 34017 (evenings). [6234 BENTLEY. 1931, 41 Gurney Nutting 2-door 4-seater fixed-brad coupe with boot. Ace discs, P.toos. Chassis XT 3635, engine XT 3633, heavy crank. Original and maintained in first-class mechanical order. 4425. May, Estcourt, Mile Path. Hook Heath, Woking. Td. : 884. [6237 RAILTON EIGHT, s935. Body sound. resprayed; 12 volt conversion. New battery. tyres. Brakes overhauled. Uses little oil. km Craven, Key

dell Farm, Horndcari, Portsmouth. 16238 ALVIS 4.3-LITRE. 4195 or Firefly 12-11.p. £95. Saloons. Excellent condition. 19, Storeton Road.

Birkenhead. M239 £3. 193r MORRIS MINOR. Stored for 20 years. Completely original, even tyres. Low mileage. superb condition. Sold only to enthusiast. Owen, 2, Nithsclate Avenue, Market Harlsorough. I.eics. Tel. : 2960. 16240

1936 RAILTON FAIRMILE coupe. New hood, front axle. etc. £40. 58, Alma Road, Cheltenham. 16241 t929 AUSTIN “CHUMMY.” Enthusiast maintamed, mint condition; recent overhaul from ALVIS TA 14. 1949. drophead. Heater, spotlight. bOrough, Leics. Tel. : Loughborough 42.71. engine to new all-weather eouipment in vy(n6i1e4. Cso, o.n.o. Hudson, 236, Leicester Road, LoughGood condition. Nearest 425o. 27. Stareton Close, Coventry (off Cannon Close, Eletchamp [6242 RAILTON D.H.C. S.8. 43o, o.n.o. Moat sell, M.G. PB. Excellent condition. well tuned engine stead Highwayl. Tel. : Coventry 68528. 1[66224435

and immaculate bodywork; wireless, badge-bar, insolvent. Tel. : RiCoo66, Ext. it. “CREAM CRACKER” M.G.. 1038; T series available. Terms and trial. Cornell, to5, WalmleY ASHfield 1235, spotlamps. spare half-shafts, etc. Bills and rec[e6i2p4t7s Road. Sutton Coldficld. Warwickshire. Tel. : TRIUMPH DOLOMITE r1-litre roadster. New

FORD t.rtz c.c. 8-head, Shirley fibreglass body. o.n.o. Denhard, N.B.S. R.A.F., Honington. Spare engine. Requires slight attention. 416122409, Suffolk.


with hardtop. Good finish. Lively performance. Offers £200. 88, Rowlands Crescent. Solihull, hood. Good condition. Great motoring for kroo. Humphrey. 74, Briarwood Drive, Northwood.

16248, Birmingham. ALVIS SPEED 25 coupe. Under 500 miles since. rebore: new big-ends, etc. Good looking, ex cellent condition. First with 4200. rel. : ipNwich 77714. 16250REGRET CHANGING twin seats for double bed. Two lyers. M.G. ‘PC, reg. Nov. 1947. Red. Body good. L/grid. Haggle about 4245. Box N [6255 MG. 1 L2

‘A,11.937 Very good condition. Over 4100. spent last year. Bills to show. 5.50 x 18 tyres. back and 5.50 x 1[6 front. Many extras. Good vynide hood and screens. 4165, o.n.o., or exchange modern sports car or tourer. Mr. A. Sergeant, 80a, Oswald Road, Scunthorpe, Lints. Tel. : Scunthorpe 3032. [6252 S.S.zoo 21, 1937. Engine, gearbox, brakes, steering

M.G. M-TYPE. Black/Red. In excellent condition. recently overhauled. Excellent paintwork. i6o-26054, :mks very good. Body fair. £170. Tel. : Reigate 4265. Body and machinery extensively rebuilt by loving 2-litre 1/c tourer. New tonneau and hood. Mech12 see. Beats M.O.-As. 4275. Lagonda, 1931. 16253 opwlcileer. wIlitooxhNaso.iuLs..t25b4e.en posted abroad. Offers. TRIUMPH DOLOMITE 14/60 saloon. 1939. Exceptional. I.:95 Warrior; 209. Cranbrook Avenue. Hull. 16255 SPECIAL FIBREGLASS saloon Morris to-h.p. O.H.V. Engineer built z959. Excellent condition. 4200. o.n.o. 16c, 11.1e,cc3h41(6:4rove, Latchford, Warrington, lanes. 16256 1935 BENTLEY 3; drophead coupe. Wants repaint. Engine and tyres good. New battery. 4150. Wheeler, Lanlivery. Tel. : Lostwithiel 277. 16257 MORGAN 4/4, 7938, Climax. B.R.G. V.0. condi tion. 4150. Liswerry Drive, 1-lanyrafon, Cwmbranl,)ivalnoienl.s. 92, 3-LIRE BENTLEY exhaust manifold, valves, s T B , hub drawer, Bezel switch, 45. Four cast aluminium 19 in. 6-stud wheels, Austin Twelve, 46 Supercharger. 45. Spares Royer Twelve. Cliffe, 83, Hope Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire. i69 M.G. TC. Excellent condition. New r6 in. rears with Michelin X tyres. New hood and Sidescreens—black with red upholstery. 4300. Apply : W. Wardle, 64. Victoria Street, Ashton-underLyne, near Manchester. Tel. : ASH 2976, or ASH i966. 16260 DAIMLER D.B.x8 Barker drophead. Firm registered 1951. Two owners only. Well maintained. but needs rebore. 43co, o.n.o. Melland, Light Alders Farm, Disiey, Cheshire. : Disley 234. (6261 1936 AUSTIN NIPPY. Completely reconditioned engine. Bowdenex brakes. Excellent bodywork. 4120, o.n.o. Tel. : Battersea 5906. ROLLS-ROYCE, 0938, owner/driver 25/3o Mut161i2n6e2r body. One owner with excellent history. Tel. ;

ACO 4975 (evenings), (6263 CLUB MEMBERS look forward to Mowing News every Thursday. Price 6d, Order from your usual newsagent or from Motoring News, 15-17, City Road, 1.ondon, E.C.1. LAGONDA 3-LITRE, 1934, d.h.c. Excellent condition. 4110. Wragg, 473, Moseley Road. Bir mingham. [6264 MORRIS moo. D.L. saloon, 1958. 4140 Barwell racing conversion. oil radiator, roll bar, s-branch exhaust, 114 S.C.s, anti-fade linings, Pirelhs, radio, heater, undersealed, twin spots. Host a other extras. B.RG., twin yellow stripes. Cost 4900. Immaculate 90-m.p.h. car. Offers. Details, 28, Margaret Road, Penwortham, Preston. (6265 BENTLEY 3;-LITRE, 1936, Barker sports saloon. Heater, radio, etc. Unexpected sale. 4275. Seen

Highgate. Tel.: MOD 8230, after 7 p.m. 16266 OPPORTUNITY, £m. 1929 Buick, 26 h.p., only 35,000 miles. Mechanically identical to 1926 model. Sell or break. 4, Love Walk, S.11.5. 16267 SPECIAL : New : fibre-glass body, tyres. kingpins, brake linings, hydraulics, electrics. Rec.: engine, gearbox, axles. 4150 0.0.0, H.P. possible. Jackson, ” Verona.” Horton Lane, Epsom, Surrey. 4724. (6268 LAGONDA z6/80 saloon. Good condition. Spare engine, differential, etc. 4l to. ‘I el.: Loughton

5514. 1.6269 VOLKSWAGEN, i956, de luxe saloon. Polar silver.

red interior. Heater, underSealed, w /mirrors. s/lamps, grab handie, petrol gauge, seat covers. Regularly serviced and in first-class. order throughput. £545. Tel.: ACO 0232. London, W.5. (0270 1930 AUSTIN HEAVY 12.8. Good engine; tyres, magneto, batteries. Rewired. Spares (some unused), tools, ctc. Dickinson, so, Nantwich Road, M.G. VA z!-LITRE. 1938 series, saloon. Smart, LANCIAS. Dismantling Augustas and Lambdas.

Sanderstead, Surrey. Tel.: SAN 2131. 16272 lively, roomy, comfortable. Pass-light. Liners. Better than many ‘485. 4128. 1, chapel Green Most parts available. S.A.E. please. Kay, Marsh Lane, 13ristol 6. 1937 Merlin engine. 4110. Gill, 78, Court Hill, (6273

Nliddlewich. Tel.: 3183. RILEY LYNX NINE, 1933, 2-doOr Rimer. Fitted

Lune, Hambleton, Blackpool. LANCIA Auctis-r. Damaged engine. With all

parts to repair. 440. Box No. 1,.275. (6275 PH M.G. Crimson; excellent throughout. New tyres, hood. steering, exhaust, etc. Heater. Pie. /arger open car (preferably VW) or sell, 415o. Incents, Berkliamsted, Herts. VINTAGE 1440 M.G. 1927. sports 2-scaler. Overhauled, new hoOd, in original condition. 490. Hope, Staplecross, Burton, Christchurch. (6277 1951 HEALEY Tickford saloon. Blue. Radio, heater. 5 r,000. Excellent order. 1,:350. ICTRM

13riant, Sigwells. Sherborne. (6278 SUPERCHARGER for post-war I I-litre Riley. All fittings, Excellent condition. 4,10. Tel.: Elmbridge 5679.

M.G. PA, 1935. Red, Engine rebuilt, new ht(66022088d21, sidescrcens, etc. 4115 o.n.o. 53, Bramble Rise, Westdene, Brighton. 0952 (JULY) MK. II Sunbeam-Talbot convertible, light grey (unmarked). Ness’ Vynide hood, ocelot covers, tonneau. Recond. gearbox (just fitted). ServaisiPeco exhaust. Stylacliscs. Low mileage. Perfect condition, (A i. Westgate, Ilabraham Road, Cambridge. (6283 FORD.FALCON II. Sound, complete car, hard

top; .1.7 4135. 5, WoodbroOk Gardens.


Vi’akhain Abbey, Essex. BERKELEY, Nov. ’58, 500, 3-carb. Taxed five months only. Recent factory check. Tonneau, spare wheel. £430. Entwistle, 66, Handside Lane, Welwyn Garden City. [6285 £4* O.N.O. TALBOT I TO d/h. coupe, 1936. Alloy body, good tyres, battery, etc. Sound car. Tel.:

Weybridge 6702. [6287 VINTAGE AUSTIN 12/4 tourer. Sound condition. Taxed. Spare reconditioned engine, gearbox, etc. 4100 o.n.o. Box No. L.288. [6288 DELAHAYE 135MS d/h. coupe. Pennock body. Cotal gearbox. Excellent condition. £350. 209,

Kingsway, Manchester 19. [6289 TALBOT TEN, 1937I, sports tourer. Exceptional condition. Taxed. One owner 14 years. £97 Iris. 82, Cutenhoe Road, Luton. Tel.: 4999. [6290 SINGER LE MANS spares. New hood, La. Screens, £1. Bench seat, dynamo, starter, carburetters. Many more spares. Box No. L.29t. 16291 FOR SINGER HUNTER, bore 73-cc., H.C. head, manifolds, etc. Possibly H.R.G. components but not at H.R.G. prices. Wheeler, Severnside,

Newnham, Glos. f6.422 0.M., 2928, 2-litre sports saloon. Total mileage 87,00o. Complete rebuild and respray, T0,000 miles ago. In superb condition throughout. £85. Harvey. Tel.: Woking 583. [6425 ALLARD d/h. coupe, 1949, V8. Blue. Lovely. Lt65. S.A.E. pictures. ” Sundorne,” Dilmore Lane. Fernhill Heath, Worcester. [6293 I HAVE TWO CARS which may be of interest to enthusiasts. Both are mechanically perfect and have good tyres. They will be sold at a reasonable price and could be used for spares to a person having a similar car in mint condition. Rover Fourteen Sportsman, 1940; Jaguar II-litre coupe, 1938. For details, Tel.: Strectly 1045 (Sutton C.oldfield). [6297 “MOTOR SPORT,” June 1950 to October 1956, three missing. Also March t934. Offers. Motor, 1950-54. Autocar, 1954. 1937-38 Lincoln Zephyr Oh. coupe (Mercury engine). Two owners and 65,000 miles from new. Wade, Boughton, Maid stone. [6298 AUSTIN NIPPY, 1935. Bowdenex, excellent tyres, hood, tonneau. Many spares. Best in London ? £95, haggle Miller, Tel.: Sloane 6234, to a.m. 5 p.m. [6300 L.M.B. POPULAR, 1956. 15-in. wheels, 4.4 axle, special manifolds, h.e. head. 4285. 12. .• West croft,” Station Road, New Milton. [6301 1937 RILEY FALCON. Chassis irreproachable, body excellent. 28 m.p.g. kloo. Jackson, Doncaster Gate Hospital, Rotherham. [6302

M.G. TA. Completely dismantled, excellent p:66a3:00o13,1, including unused specialist rely-nit high-compression engine. Send s.a.e. for full particulars. E. J. Griffin, 7, Martindale Road, Hounslow, Middlesex. JAGUAR S.E. saloon, 1949, in grey, Heater,

recon. engine, good condition. £265. Tel.: UPI. 7879. ” MOTOR SPORT,” 62 copies only 1956-91 complete. Offers to : R. Blackmore, 38, Eastcombe Avenue, Charlton, S.E.7. [6305 1948 MERCEDES z7oV, good condition throughout. £220 o.n.o. Oxford, 130, Chatsworth Road,

Willesden Green, London, N.W.z. [6306 RENAULT 750, immaculate. £275. Also crashed 750. £40. Gray. Oakfield Road, Cowfold, Sussex. ATel.: 322.) [6308 A TON MARTIN INTERNATIONAL, somewhat tatty, fast and reliable. Just had major engine overhaul. Dymond, too, Chesterton Road. Tel.: Cambridge 3475, weekends; Tel.: Saffron Walden 2297 Or 3164, on week-days. [6309 SUNBEAM 23.8 tourer, /93x. Good, but needs attention. Students, impecunious enthusiasts, apply with £25 to Box 1-310. (Lincs.) [6310 DAIMLER VINTAGE (1930) 35/120 limousine. Very good body, reliable engine. Taxed, insured. £95. Birch, 43, Ayling Lane, Aldershot. Tel.: Aid 225. [6311 ALLARD 71M d/h. coupe. £220. Excellent throughout. Ford V8, twin carbs. Tremendous perfor

mance. Box No. 1..312. [6312 A.C., 195o, saloon, excellent, works maintained. £300. IS, Brook Gardens, Kingston Hill, Surrey. [1:66133e111.43: MALden 6124. 1928 HUMBER ss-H.P. tourer. Only 44,00o Miles from new, and has been well maintained. Original paint and perfect leather upholstery. Good hood and tyres. £165. Howe, 79, Greenfield Avenue, Surbiton, Tel.: Elmbridgc 6004 TR2, [955. TR3 engine, hard/soli-tops, resprayed, heater, radio, overdrive, Oil cooler, ” X ” tyres, wing mirrors, luggage rack, radiator blind, etc. Part exchange considered. 64, Stirling Street, Grimsby. ‘I el.: Grimsby 2857. [6315 1926 SUNBEAM 20/60, Maythorne f.h.c. Excellent original condition. Offers. Tel.: Watford 36430. [63t6 1926 HUMBER soizo z-seater with dickey. Excellent

condition. Offers, Tel.: Watford 36430. [6317 OFFICERS’ MESS is incomplete without Motoring News, every Thursday. 36s. buys year’s subscription. Motoring News, 15-17, City Road, London.

RILEY II touring saloon, t938. Overdrive, freewheel, radio, windtones. Recent £50 engine overhaul. Body good, tyres mixed. View Leicester or Exeter. £135. Shearer, Collingwood House. Picton Place, Exeter. [6301

1037 4i-LITRE ROLLS-BENTLEY. Damage to near-side body and wings. Mechanically first class; first-class running order. First 4465. Box No. L.3t9. [6119

TRIUMPH ROADSTER 2000. Complete recon. last year. Perfect condition. 4350, or 435 deposit.

Ii. Rodney Crescent, Hoddesdon, Hens. 16320 TRa, late 1954. Green. Overdrive, radio, heater, tonneau, new ” X “s. Most extras. Immaculate. firs. Would part-exchange M.G.. Morgan, :rkeley, cheap, condition immaterial. 68, Dover Road, Burton-on-Trent, Staffs. [6321 TRIUMPH ifloo ROADSTER, 1048, Aboveaverage condition. 4220. Brindley, to, Brentford Road, Solihull, Warwickshire. [6322 M.G. PA. Blue. Completely rewired. New rearaxle assembly. Good general condition. 4160. Duncan, 2, Dundas Avenue, Oakham Road, Dudley. 16323 M.G. TA ‘rickford, 1930. Red. Still quite pretty, very sound mechanically. About 4190, exchanges considered. Smith, 6, Mitcham Grange, Taplow, Bucks, or 9-5, Tel.: Maidenhead 4604, extension 1.17. (6324 SLIGHTLY MODIFIED owing to one of those walking telegraph poles ! 1955 -11:t2, overdrive, herd-top, radio, heater, sliding sidescreens, Alfin drums. Box No. L.326. (6326 H.R.G., 1939, t,too-c.o., 2/4-seater. Mechanically excellent: with hood. etc. 4590. ‘rel.: Boxmoor 212 (Merts). (6328 CITROEN LIGHT FIFTEEN green saloon, 1951. Excellent condition, regularly serviced: heater, screenwashers. 44to. Churchill. 7. Seaview Gardens, Roker, Sunderland. [6329 1931 Ago coup!. Quite quick. 4185, or exchange slower saloon. Also M.(3.-A windows and frames, cost 426-41o. Tel.: Coventry 52908. [6330 ALV1S 4.3-LITRE, 1937, Vanden Plas pillar:cos saloon. Original. Full history. Instruction book. 175, exchange. Terms. James Fleet, 126, High Street, Winslow, Bucks. Tel.: 259. [633! M.G. M. Recent overhaul. New tank, ‘sump, battery, upholstery. Requires new front wings. 46o. Budd, Lavinia Road, Birmingham 32. [6332 RILEY KESTREL NINE, 1934. Attractive car in excellent condition. A/H. gearbox fitted.; well shod, 465. Tel.: Luton 2839. [166333334

LAGONDA L045, 1937, pillarless saloon. S.13.3 engine. Generally fair condition. Club member. EL2nngh 5li 8am34. Melbourne Berrowside Road, l3 1944 LEA-FRANCIS utility, 14 11.p. recent overhaul, well maintained. ‘Faxed. Best reasonable offer. Tel.: Limpsfield Chart (Surrey) 3231. [6335 LAGONDA 1.6;11o, 1934. 4-seater sports tourer, good condition, excellent body. 495. Forshaw, 4t53 Ringwood Road, Parkstonc, Tel.: 3149. (6336 ALVIS 12110, 1938. Reconditioned engine/brakes, Ancit)ii,cit 8 dtty, Taxed. 460 0,0.0. Tel.: (6338

ROLLS-ROYCE 20;25. Really elegant o/d. saloon by Park Ward. Recent engine and body overhaul. One of the prettiest ever built. 4240. Cryalfs Borden, Sittingbourne, Kent. Tel.: Erith 33011. ext. 228, office hours. (6139 M.G. TO, 1932. Electric blue. Heater, spot, screenwashers, oversize rears. 432-5. Wanted : Jowett Jupiter. Cape, ” 13rooktields,” Percival Drive, Stockton Brook, Stoke-on-Trent. [6340 M.G. saloon, ex. eond. (,3so. 31, The Garlands, York. Tel.: 56168. (6341 HUMBER 54/40 tourer, 1928. Immaculate paint and varnish. ‘New hood, etc. Mechanically excellent, engine uses no oil. Good tyres and brakes. ‘Faxed year. L2oo. Tel.: BaySton Hill 391 (Shrewsbury). [6341 JAVELIN DE LUXE, 1952, grey. Radio, heater. Excellent throughout. £350. 157, Kiln Lane,

St. Helens. [6343 FOR THE ENTHUSIAST. Motoring Moos every “Ilturklay with up-to-the-minute news and pictures. Order from your newsagent, price 6d. 1938 RILEY 56-H.P. Adolph’. Chassis 38AX. Body and engine fair cond. Tyres new. 4t8o o.n.o. Lead, 71. Elizabeth Avenue, Little Chalfont, Amersham. Tel.: Little Chalfont 2719. Icr JAGUAR, 1934, 31-LITRE, black saloon. New bearings, clutch. Immaculate. 18 m.p.g. 4100. Four-branch exhaust, twin inlet manifold for roof? Ford, as new, 47. Twin carbs., it in., good condition, k4.9, Sr. Martin’s Avenue, York Road, Doncaster. Tel,: 4630.16345 •

12170 ALV1S saloon. Mechanically Sound. Interior trim needed. Body average. Tel.: Richmond 67<6.

BREAKING : Type F MG. engine, 1932 116ill’ely7 Nine Monaco. M. Comm, 23, Grovenor Street, Cheltenham. Tel.: Cheltenham 54078. BUGATTI TYPE 37 0.1′, Original condition. Rebuilt throughout. £.425 o.n.o. Tel.: Lingfield 120. 16349 RILEY ADELPHL 1937. 1416. Mechanically sound. Good tyres, bodywork, battery. £70. Tel.: Wimbledon 2214. (6421 BOXED 1936 FORD Eight chassis, axles, wheels shockers. Unused factory reconditioned engine, clutch with gearbox. £47. Will separate. Seeker,

62, Grays Road, RAP.. Uxbridge. [6351 193.5 AUGUSTA. Ideal for sporting family man, Good mechanics and body. £500 o.n.o., or exchange interesting sports/tourer. Lirnmer, ‘Tel.

(evenings) : Great Wakering 228. [6352 RILEY KESTREL NINE, 1934. Mechanic’s fair: bodywork quite good. Offers about £75. 1935 Nine engine and gearbox, 12,000 since overhaul.

Offers. Whittaker. ” Fairhaven,” Townend. Ormskirk, Lanes. Tel.: 2847. [6353

CITROEN LIGHT FIFTEEN, 1947 model, black. brown hide. Rebored 10.000 miles ago. New battery and radiator. Wing guard’s, ’53 type bumpers and brake drums, sports steering wheel, w/s. washer’s, defroster, spotlight. £2.0o. P. S. Thomas,. 12, Pope Court; Ham Common, Richmond. rel.: KIN 0945.

1933 A.C. 26160 coupe. Engine, brakes, Steering, overhauled. £135. 5, Oakhill Cres.cent, Surbit on. Elmbridgc 6420. f6335

ALVIS 12/50 ’32 2-seater, not original betty but very interesting potent car. Last taxed ’58, New brake linings, cables; springs reset; wheels tesooked; new tonneau, etc. No battery. £65 o.n.o. Durham, The Warren, Woodham Walter, Essex. Tel.: Danbury 85.

towErr JAVELIN, 1952, (le luxe, one owner.

Series III engine, I 7,0O0 miles ; all other mechanical parts reconditioned last summer. Body resprayed two-tone yellow/fawn; many extras. Exceptional example. 095 o.n.o. I./Cdr. Bridges, H.M.S. Arid II, Winchester. (6357

M.G. TC. Immaculate Condition. Resprayed:: News Vynicle hood, screens, full tonneau, upholstery. New carpets. seat Covers, battery, tyres, sealed-beam headlamps. Rebuilt wheels, oversize rears. Eattory-recOn. engine. Cast aluminium rocker co? Brooklands telescopic s1wheel. 1

W)LSELEY HORNET SPECIAL, 1934, 4-seater sports, good condition. Engine overhaul, new hood, good tyres, brakes, etc. Many spares. 41(y). Bryan, 4, Tendring Way, Rnford, Essex.

sr.v 6387. ra 16367 MORGAN PLUS FOUR. Ivory. Many extras. Unusually fine condition. Six hardly worn tyrcs. Td.: Eh ham 2440. 16363 VOLKSWAGEN PARCEL SHELVES, limited number, r.h.d. only. 255. each. 24, l’riory Road, Dunstable, [6369 YU ROLLS-ROYCE PHANTOM III, engine com plete with all accessories in perfect cond. t IS, Knotts Lane. Color, Lancs. 16373 HEAVY ON BRASS°, but beautiful to behold and to drive. 1927 Austin 1214 tourer. Complete and original. Up to 30 tong., negligible oil. Offers around £125. Tel.: Downland 4470 (near Croy don), after 7 p.m. [6374 MAY x9s9 LANCIA Flaminia saloon, grey/block, fitted wireless; mileage to,000, condition as new. £2.65o. Cowan, Station Road, Henley. Tel.: Soo. (6375 INCOMPARABLE SPECIAL! B.M.W.-based fibreglass 214-seat drophead coupe. Just built. Equivalent to new car. £325. Staddon. 49, Holly wood Way, Woodford Green, Essex. (6376 S.S•roo )-LITRE, 1937, very good condition ; respray ERG. recently. Photo Supnlied on request. £275 o.n.o. C. M. Grubb; Mill House, Lower Stoke, near Rochester, Kent. f6377 FORD ROCHDALE G.T. High-ratio axle, dos:ratio box, reconditioned engine, boxed chassis. Garage built. £350. Watkins. Bettws-y-Coed, Caers. 16378 FORD PREFECT, 195o, fitted Derrington engine conversion, full-throat exhaust system and special suspension. Heater. Excellent Condition. ‘rel.: Harrow 2276, between 9 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. [6379 LAGONDA, 1956, saloon, standard, SA engine. Breaking. Body panels and all parts good (wood trame bad). Roberts, Coldsprings, Manchester Road, Buxton. Waisted : Open body for 41. [6380 M.G. r8/80 MK. II. Good condition, spares. Inquiries to Rogers, Barnellan, Bardowie, Stirling shire. 16381 M.G. TA, 1939. Garage maintained. Fast as any ‘l’c. Bills. Red, £200. Carrington, 191, Ick nield Way, Letchworth, Herts. [6382 FORD “MISTRAL..” 848 C.C. Carefully used. Usual mods. Recoil. engine 8,000 miles. 4185 o.n.o. Further details’, 28. The Fortunes, Harlow, Essex. 16383 RILEY NINE LYNN sports-tourer for sale. Teledampers, spot/fog, flashers. A really spanking car at £80. Fop Flat. 354, LordShip Lane, East Dulwich, 5.E.22. [6384

ECONOMICAL. Motoring News for full facts and photographs, only 6d.. every Thursday. Order from your newsagent. ROLLS-ROYCE 2045, GMLY 41. 1932 Setianca by l’ark Ward. Good mechanically, body fair. £110 0.0.0. R. NV. Barrett, I, Moorland Crescent, Baildon, Shipley, Yorkshire. [6355

1929 ARMSTRONG SIDDELEY x2.16, fabric saloon. Good condition. 62 Kingswood Road, Tadwort It. Surrey. Tel.: 1 adworth 3005. [6386 21-LITRE RILEY, 1947. Owner now desperate for room, must sell. Engine not ye: run in, four new tyres, new Oldham battery. road springs. Best Offer over Laos. 120, Portland Road, Hove. [6387 RILEY NINE 2-scat Special. Beautiful 1957 aluminium body, recent respray, engine ‘overhauled, Ziess lighlt. spots, horns, trafficators, hood, five excellent tyres. £160. Tel.: Liberty 5773. (6388

II.R.G. 1100, 1947, In very good condition. £325. Write to R. W. Gunter, Billericay, Essex. [6389 RILEY CONTINENTAL 1937. Preselects, no znd gear, but spare gearbox. New-3 tyres, exhaust, petrol pump, starter. Good body. Best offer. Wilkinson, 1, Moor Park Avenue, LeedS, 6. [6390 M.G. TD, Dec. 1951. Red. New—Mk. II motor

rear axle, ” X” tyres, tonneau. Good hood. heater, screen washers, luggage grid. £440. Midlands. London, S. Ceast. Box No. 1..391. (6391 1947. M.G. TC. Excellent condition. Extras : bumpers, spotlights, detachable boot, many others. Bills ayailable. £285 o.n.o. Doggett, Newbury Street, Larnbourn, Berks. (6392

BENILEY, 1935 31-litre Park Ward sports saloon. Aluminium body, sunshine roof. Dark Green. excellent condition. Engine overhaul ro,o0o miles ago. Details available. £300. Perry. Davenham Cottage, Northwich, Cheshire. (6393

WIPER MOTORS unused Lucas 1112.1. tz-volt. 2-speed. fios, including p. & p. Ellis, 3. Hurst Road, Smethwick, Staffs. 16394 ENGINES, GEARBOXES. ogles. accessories. 1951 A9o, 1950 Vanguard, r95o Talbot go. 1953 Ghee,. 195r Pontiac, 1950 Plymouth. Engine and axle. rq58 Ensign° engine, t958 A35. No reasonable oiler refused. Howlett, Ma, Skills Hill, 13raintree, Dives. 16395 KLEPTOMANIAC avoiding bankruptcy, °Bets

P.roos. £20. Twin recon. Soles On Singer Lc Mans manifold. Heron. M.G.-M, type gearbox 1029 A7 spares. 0.0. Solex, .6v. starter, 6v. nump. Al2, whecis'(5s.). A7 wheels (25. 6d,,! New Ford co m.p.h. speedo. Offers—Ross, 44, Risings, 11•17. 16397 REDUCING COLLECTION owing to changing residence. For sale : Adler 1910, 14-ho. 5-scater. Daimler 191 t , 25-h.p. Landaulette. Zedel 1919, I4-h.p. 4-seater tourer. Rolls Ghost 192.0, Marine 3-ply body. Rolls Ghost 1924. e.g. wrecker body. Rolls Ghost 1920 chassis. Swift 1923. 13-h.p. 4-seater. Ballot type 2-litre 1924, tz 11.p. 4-fester tourer. Delage 1925, r8-h.p. 6-cylinder ambulance body. Wolseley 1927, to-h.p. 4-seater saloon. HotchkisS 1930, 20-b.p. saloon. Franklin 1930. 3o-h.p. air cooled saloon. ti.55eX 1932„ 2 t-h.p. saloon. Details on request. Above put on board ship Dublin. Ellis, Straffan House, Stratfan, Co. Kildare,

Ireland. [6398 1932 ROCHDALE G.T., cellulosed Vauxhall Blue. Red carpetfupholstery, radio, winkets, remote lever. Woodhead Monroe suspension. £4350.0.0. 17, Cecil Drive, Eceleeton. St. Helens, Lancs. [6399 1930 SUNBEAM 16 saloon. £25. 1928 Humber 14/40 tourer for spares £10. Durham, 9 Clarence Place, Gravesend, Kent. Tel.: Gravesend 1248.

16400 M.G. TC. Concours condition. Rebuilt engine, new tonneau and re-chromed luggage grid. 3 new tyrcs and weather equipment. Taxed year. Have yet to see a ‘IT: in better original condition. ivitist see to appreciate. £425 o.v.n.o. Tel.: Vigilant 7753. [6401

LANCIA APRILIA. In superb condition. £409.

J. 13utcher, 37 The Avenue, Minehcad, Somerset. 141t. 32 M.G. Breaking : engine, clutch and gearbox. K. Taylor, 44 Weoley Park Road, Birmingham 29. 16403 BENTLEY 1935 31 Hooper saloon. Good condition. Complete history and bills. Original tools. Wellshod. E200 for quick sale. Box No. 1-404. [6404 S.S. MORGAN’, 1933, 1100 W.C. J.A.P. exhilarating. 00. 47 Kempshott Road. Streatham, S.W.16. 16405 SET XPAG valve springs, Lucas 7 in. fog and spot. C391’V generator, radiomobile. All new. Pair to in. by at tn, brake drums ITR2). Offers. 3

Cambridge Avenue, N.W.6. [6409 OPPORTUNITY, to read up-to-the-minute reports every Thursday in the Motoring N’eres. Order Irons your Newsagent, price 6d.

RILEY FALCON, 1935. Alloy body, pre-selector.

£,75. Tel.: High Wycombe 2954. [6410 ELECTRICAL equipment complete for one car. including stem fixed 60-watt chrome P700 lamps. Offers. 122, Marsh Hill, Birmingham. 23. [6411 RILEY, 1938, BIG FOUR. Bodily, mechanically, excellent. Telecontrols, radio, heater, washers, etc. Some spares. £250. 8 Wigginton Avenue, Wembley. Tel.: WEM 0369. 16412 STANDARD AVON coupe. First reg. Aug. ’34. Blue. L3c o.n.o. Hewitt, 344. Holdenhurst Road, BournemOut h. 16413

GOOD-LOOKING Allard cosine (1949). Engine, transmission, steering, tyres and brakes 604u1s4t re-lined) very good. Eleetrics decidedly odd. £95, Tel.: SANderstead (ur. Croydon) 7000, evenings/ weekends. ALVIS 12/70 saloon. Faultless, imtnacelate. ‘300 spent. Recelluleseci March, must sell, first reasonable offer. Talbot, c/o 102, Bayswater Road, Headington, Oxford. Tel.: 63429. [6,5t 5 MORRIS roM ENGINE (Similar XPAG) and all methancial parts. Starter, dynamo, S.U.-carb., 8/box complete. Front, rear axle, suspension, steering brakes. 5 %steels, tyres, tank, rad., S.U. pump, propshaft, electries, instrument’s. Ideal special builder. Cheap for quick sale. Also 4R.3. Dunlop 5.50 x 15 racing tyres bought. new, raced 4 times. La each. Reid, 32, Mill Road, Christchurch,

Hants. Tel.: 3, any time. :6417 FIAT 50oC convertible, 1955. Rare front-engined model in superb condition. Only 24,000 miles.. 4;345. 130, Baling Village, 97.5. Perivale J.A.P. Fast and very smart. £70 o.n.o. Messes.2039. MORGAN, 1929, 2-speed, 1100-C.C. water cooled Down Edge. Highlield, Banstead, Surrey, Tel.: Burgh Heatli 136. [6419 JAGUAR ENGLNE, Mk. VIII, /958.Genuine 1,500 miles. Complete With automatic. £165 o.n.o. Park Perm, Park Lane, Tolleshunt Knights, Essex. Tel.: Tiptree 287. [6.520 M.G. TA TICKFORD, ’39. Resprayed Ivory. Red Vynide hood, windtOnes. spot, dfdippers, vvinkers, retrimmed. Superb engine-ois ii in. vu’s., new clutch, universal, tele-shockers. Good tyres, battery. Speed, comfort, 30 M.p.g. for 4215. Butler, 7, Waverley Mansions, Kenton Street, W.C.1. [6423 RILEY KESTREL SPRITE, SS,27.K. Excellent condition. C165 o.n.o. 16, Victoria Gardens, W.1 r Or exchange 2-sealer. [6424

1959 ELVA MK. IV chassis, brand new, complete with all hydraulics, AIfin-type brake drums, inboard at rear, ifs. and i.r.s., live k,o. wire wheels fitted new Continental racing tyres, undertray, fuel tank, radiator, rack and pinion steering. Less engine and body. Reluctant sale, other commitments leave no time for completion. Offers invited. Wanted, 13ttgatti or why. Cash adjustment. Harrison, Cauldon Potteries., Ltd., Stoke-on-Trent. Tel.: 48615, daytime. [6426 ROCHDALE GT, ii 72 Special. Fitted new chassis. Needs completing. First reasonable offer accepted. Mills, 35, Windmill Street, Gravesend, Kent. rel.: 4966. [6427 1929, 4-LITRE open 13entley. Mechanically good. Very fast. £5 75. Tel.: West 1VIalling 3267. 16428 2-LITRE M.G. saloon, 1938. Good condition. £40. George, 75 Fabian Crescent, Shirley, Solihull, Warwickshire. (6429 MORGAN THREE-WHEELER. i too, we. J.A.P. Twin Amals. Polished alloy body. New tyres. Li as. Hooke, 48, Leacroft Road, Derby. [6430 PNEUMONIA WAGON. 1928 Alvis t2.450 2-seater tourer. Reasonable condition. Cheap introduction to vintage motoring. Haggle at 1,50. Galbraith, 56, Stoughton Road, Leicester. 16431 M.G.-A de luxe sliding sidescreens almost new. C.9. Tel.: HOW 2071. 16432

ROCHDALE G.T. Ford Ten, local, Willment speed head, hydraulic brakes, L.M.13. suspension, Bosch lights, Michelin tyres. A professionally-built car, fast and reliable. Very low mileage. No racing, rallies or accidents. This actual car is illustrated in the ” Super Accessories ” advertisement in March’s MOTOR SPORT. 4375 0.11.0. Genuine inquiries only. Delivered anywhere. N. D. Thomas, Lowenac, Camborne, Cornwall. [6433 ” VINCIT ASPIDISTRA.” Jealous wife wishes to dispose of rival-a fast and uninhibited Luganda Rapier 4-seater sports. Moneyed enthusiasts and

top people write, Box No. L.434. 16434 THIRTY-SIX SHILLINGS brings the Motoring News to your breakfast table every Thursday for 52 weeks. Send remittance to Motoring News, 15, City Road, London, E.C.t. M.G. TF, 1954, green. Radio, heater, spots grid, etc. Good condition throughout. £550. Brad shaw, 4, Elmdene Road, Kenilworth. (6435 ROLLS, 1936, 25130 brake. Post-war body. Mech. excellent. A superb Rolls at ,C39o. H.P. Doyle, 3, Milton Street, Halifax. Tel.: 81475. [6436 RARE xx.9 LAGONDA (1926)-partially carefully restored (engine, chassis and body to date), all complete. Concours class if buyer keeps present standard of renovation. Tow away, £55. ‘I’el.: Heck field 364 taller 7 P.m.). [6440 AIRCRAFT. Save time and money-fly yourself there-in our latest Aiglet (Type J.51.) aircraft, *Ibis machine is our latest Farnborough demonstration model and incorporates a starter, generator and P.T.R. 6t radio. It is finished in a spectacular Day-glo and white colour scheme and carries full maker’s guarantee. Price 4:3,762. Apply : Saks Department, Auster Aircraft Ltd., Rearsby Aero drome, Rearsby, Leicester. (6439 1955 M.G. 4-seater coupd, TD engine. i.:375. 2, Sunnynook Gardens, South Croydon, by appointment. 16441 A.G. saloon, 1949. Tyres, battery new. Very reliable. Bought A.C. Ace. Excellent value at La to. Grove End, Cheltenham Road, Stroud. 16442 M.G. TA. Well-above-average condition, much recent renovation to maintain a nice car in fine fettle. £200 o.v.n.o, needed to finance enthusiast’s next motor. Tel.: Watford 29317. (6443 1929 AUSTIN SIXTEEN fabric saloon. Excellent condition. Three owners. V.S C.C. registered. E,125. 1929 Austin Seven fabric saloon, £25. 1925 Royal Enfield, klo. Richmond-Jones, aynish, Spital, Cheshire. 16445 ygo SPECIAL. Usual modifications. Neat, cornfortable body. Slab tank. Goes well, sounding very sporty. Red. 470 o.n.o. Writc for details. Box No. L.446. (6446 M.G. TC, 1947. Immaculate white cellulose; mechanically sound and very fast. Radio, spots. 1:325 0.15.0. 17,, Highgrove Way, Ruislip, Middle sex, Tel.: 3484. [6447 M.G., TB model. In excellent condition. Any trial or examination invited. 4175. Regret having to part with an old friend. r, Eden Street, Copy Nook, Blackburn, Lancs. 16448 SUPERCHARGED aL LAGONDA 4-seater tourer. Booted 1031 model. In very sound order. Rebuilt throughout. Original test performance. TB-in. wheels. Many spare parts. L250 o.n.o. Page, 8, Glenhaven Avenue, Urmston, Manchester. [6449 M.G. MAGNETTE, t 954. Pull Alexander conversion. Underscaled, extras; faultless condition. L575; consider exchange. 562, Warwick Road,

‘Solihull, Warwickshire. . RILEY KESTREL, 1935, t(-litre Twelve with entirely reconditioned engine never used,. as owner now abroad. 1:1.30 o.n.o. Harmer & Scotts, Norwich Road, North Walsham, Norfolk. (645 t ROCHDALE HARD-TOP, untrimmed. List .£19: gift, £5. Buyer collects. Parry, ‘,dice Houses,

Newtown, Montgomery. 16452 M.G. PA 2-stater, good engine, transmission1. 64r5ei 1’6,03

cellulosed. f, 1 oo. Tel.: Stafford 939.

ALVIS 3-LITRE Sa10911, t951, Oct. Maroon. Very nice condition throughout. Heater, screenwasher, frig lamp, Michelin Xs. /370 o.n.o. Would consider smaller car part exchange. Jennings, ” Primrose Villa.” Higher Pengegon, Camborne, Cornwall.

” SPECIAL.” Hydraulic brakes, k.o. wheels, 116’o4r5d7 Ten engine. Requires body. E35. Wanted : “FR, Healey wire wheels. Richmond. Collet 16455 Avenue, Shepton Mallet. TURNER 93o. Laystall balanced, fully tuned as team cars, but never raced. Special de luxe bodywork, unmarked. Non-standard competition instruments. Derrington steering wheel, etc. 8,600 miles. 1,57o. Miss Haig, Kingshouse, Tillington, Pctworth. [6456

MINOR TRAVELLER’S car. Heater, radio, supercharged, etc. More m.p.h. than you can We. £620. Granville Jones, 47, Edmondstown, TonyparidY, Glam.

DYNA PANHARD, 1957. The amazing car famous at last in U.K., with’ its perfect answer for family enthusiasts. 80 m.p.h., 40 mpg., and 5!6 seats. Reason for sale, firm’s car. ,C625. Box No. 1-459. 16459

RILEY NINE, 1930, 4-seater. Sound metal body. new hood, side-screens. 34 m.p.g. No reasonable offer refused: space urgently required. Jennings. 7, Fairlawn crescent, East Grinstead. WOLSELEY 18/85, 19417, with heater. Very condition, ex-runner. £150 on Te.: MIL ..o. [ g6 1216. l 16 ALVIS SPEED TWENTY-FIVE Cross andE41°1 i:51 tourer. Unique car with known history. 57,00.0 miles only. Just. resprayed. new hood, good tyres, brakes relined. Excellent mechanical and body condition. 1:295 0.0.0. Waterfall, Little Orchard, Hookbill lane. ‘Woking. Tel.: 5173. 16462

1937 RILEY KESTREL Sprite. After a year’s work. mechanically good, bodywork and interior excellent. ‘220. Register member. Wellby, ” Kenwood,” Park Hill, Kenilworth. 1646i RILEY IMP, 1935, 13.R.G. 11.C. large-port head,

4-branch manifold,•Merlin crank and rods, phase II clutch, E.N.V. 11.15.G.B. tti-in, rears, twin snares, good tyres. Chrome and paint -excellent. twin spots and aeroscreens fitted. Engine, transmission, steering, suspension, brakes in excellent condition. London Register member owner sadly regrets selling this extremely pretty and potent car. Photo-and further details from Box No. 1..464. 1952 A40 sports. Jenson model. little damage. Well maintained. Z;t3o. $.1, Morecambe Close. Elm Park, Hornchurch, Essex. Tel.: Hornchurch 45015. 16465

5935 CITROEN Twin carbs, Silver grey. A.1 I. L’,425 o.n.o. Lockley, 9, Crow I lilt View, liolts. Estate, Oldham. 16

LEA-FRANCIS, 1929, 12/40 tourer. Original paint. Stored many years. Very solid. Spares include dismantled .El) engine, axles, brake drums and shoes, etc. 4135 o.n.o. Egan, Hunts Lane. Grappenhall. Warrington. Td.: Grapp. 1060. [6467

VAUXHALL FOURTEEN-engincd ” special,” i.f.s..-, 2-seater open : good condition all round. Liss o.n.o. Write, 9, Cedar ‘Terrace, Richmond. Surrey.

16468 GIFT AT THE PRICE-Motoring News. Cu.( 01 news and pictures every Thursday, price 6d, Order from your newsagent. ATTRACTIVE WALNUT BRAKE body by Angel Of Manchester. r956 on 1937 Vauxhall DX chassis Sparc engineigearbox. .4;150. Baker, 16, Hopwood Heywood, Lanes. Tel. : Heywood 6728. [6469 RILEY KESTREL 12;4 sit/-light, one owner, excellent condition. 1936 9-h.r, Kestrel, fitted with a [934 crash box. Offers. Many spares for all models. 11.11. terms can be arranged. Clarke, Tel.: Lee Green 8904, (6470

1930 TC M.G. ik.000 miles •since complete over-. haul. 1.:3<,,o. 'rel.: York 66455. [6472 PILOT'S WIDOW must sell 1938 M.G. 2;05 cou0. New hood, good engine, running order, and

tyres. Body. clectrics. need attention. L:60. Tel.: Maldon (Essex) 488, 9.30 to 5.30. 16473 1937 TALBOT to-h.p• d.h.e. Please drive away, t; i 2. 15, “I ‘homas lane Street. Coventry. 16474

ALVIS FIREFLY, 12/60 engine, EN.V. box, now breaking„ all parts available. Allen, Moon Vale, ‘ritchfield Lane, Wickham, Barns.

AUSTIN NIPPY, 1936. Red/black. 5.000 miles since complete overhaul. Rebuilt modified engine fitted. New electrics, radiator, • di. carb., Bowdeoex. Excellent body, tyres, weather equipment, seat covet* ‘carpets. Spares. Li 25 o.n.o. Lewis,55. Robin’s Bow, -Camberley, Surrey. Tel.: 26t. 476 M.G. TA Tickford. J.:195 o.n.o. 107. Ardleigb Crcen Road, Hornchureh. Tel.: Hornchurch 43355. 16477 VANDALIZED 1172 Trials Special. Twin 5. Us, A. chassis, Bowden/Wasp gearbox. No lights, front wheels, rough. Offers. D. Mussell, Cleave Hill, Cheltenham. [6478 1935 FRASER NASH 2-seater sports, in new Condition. L2,5o. Four ‘months since new tyres; upholstery, hood, screens, paint and electrics:

Tel.: Twyford (llerks) 172, [6479 1925 AUSTIN SEVEN fixed-head coupe. This model is extremely rare, only very few examples were made. Described in a motoring magazine at the time as ” a favourite with lady ‘drivers, arid a discreet model for two.” The whole car is in superlative order, completely overhauled mechanically, professionally re-upholstered and repainted. ()tiers will be accepted for this absolutely unique -and fascinating little vehicle, which cruises at 40 m.p.h.

and gives 45 in the region of (..245. X’. :I. Oldham. Field Green, Ilawkhurst, Kent. 16486

LEA-FRANCIS estate car, t95o: beautiful engine, vast rear compartment: woodlatuminium body. f:.:270 o.n.o. Box No. 1-481. [648 r 1932 MERCEDES 370S 31-litre d,’h. coupe. Absolutely tabulous conditiOn, real collector’s piece. .C425: Durngate House, Winchester. Tel.: 5747. 16482 1923 BULLNOSE COWLEY, pre-f.w.b. model. Fantastic condition throughout. Bargain, E200. Durnitate Houk, Winchester. Tel.: 5747. 16483 1937 RILEY FALCON 1214. £165. Please write : I locked:1y, C.3, Caatle Farm, Windsor. [6484 750 SPECIAL. Lowered suspension, hydraulic brakes. 1:ngine rebuilt. Lightened flywheel. All weather protection, tonneau. Past. Good tyres. 1…roo. Shenton, Td.: Bushey Heath 297o, evenings. 16485

” SPE(IAL,” 90′,, finished. Tubular chassis.

Morris Twelve recon:, ex-G.13.’ Oxford i.f.s.. r. p. steering, TR2 inst. Red Mistral body. Wiring, screen and bonding will complete. £150. !fox No. L.487. Tel.: Southall (tvliddleseX) 2109, evenings. 16.187 D.K.W., 1956, Big 3-6 de luxe coupe. Turquoise) ivory. First class. condition. 8o m.p.h. One owner, emigrating. Ltioo. Manton, Tel.: Bushey I lettlt 2O86. 16488

RILEY KESTREL. 1936, 12i4 six-light; black. Body reconditioned; good motor, lyres. 490 o.n..o. I I 3, GraySwOod Avenue, COVetttry. 16489 MORRIS MINOR, 1951, tourer, £295, Riley Nine, 1937, saloon, r.”.. Both excellent. 24, East Street, Sudbury, Suffolk. 10490

ASHLEY-BODIED ” 750.” Hard-top, sidescreens, new battery guaranteed, new 15-in. tyres, Bowden Teldlos. Chassis zinc sprayed. Rebuilt engine with mods. Complete Vynide lining and scats. All perfect condition. £200. PhOi05.

A. Hardy, 109, Whitehouse Road, Leigh-on-Sea. Essex. 164o1 1950 HUMBER Super Snipe, Tickford drophead coupe. Beautiful condition. Redid, heater. What comfort for £225. 45, Warren Drive, Wallasey. (6492 FRAZER NASH, 5932, Colmorc. Overhauled. Trial. First sensible offer secures. Box No

1-493. (049.

1953 LANCIA ALIRELIA pillarless saloon. Nov) blue. Fitted radio and heater. Excellent condition throughout. Ex-titled Continental owner. £645. Terms arranged. Tel.: Marston Magna 357.


CANNON FORD. Not trials but fully-appotnted sports car, resembling that inevitable Mk. VI Lotus but fashioned to the inimitable Cannon line. Allaluminium body, Cannon tubular chassis, hood, lidded boot, finished in polychromatic red. £275. Machin, Warren Wood, Wrothum Heath, Kent. [6495 M.G. TD, 5952. White, with good Vynide hood. luggage rack, spotlight, good tyres, tonneau. £395. Tel.: VIC 5t75, to a.m.-6 p.m.

RAYMOND MAYS ZEPHYR, ’53. “X “s, lo6v4e drive. under:sealed, spot, fog, badge bar, washers. etc. House purchase forces reluctant sale. Jingling starts at £360. H.P. West, -86, Bideford Read, Ruislip, Middlesex. FORD POPULAR SPECIAL. Early 1959, .7.003 miles_ IFS., Bellamy steering, Panhard 4.7 axle, Peco exhaust, h.c. head, Bellamy irilet manifold, Bosch lighting, heater, and heat of Other extras. Performance and road-holding outstaneing. Really beautiful condition, never rallied, hut most suitable. Must Sell-owner going abroad. As new-a gift at ,C430 o.n.o. Box No. 1-498. (0498

BOXED CHASSIS flit Ford engine, wishhone suspension. Offers. Branson, 264. Lee High Road. lewisham. Td.: Lee 4183. 1649 HAT 500,4939. 4-seater. Sound chassis. and hod: 4100, Briggs, The When, Knoekin, near Oswestry Shropshire. 16500 400 BRISTOL, 1059. Guaranteed mileage 50,00o Full history. 402 modifications. Sports-cur performance,. saloon insurance. 25 m.p.g. Faultless. Apply foreign-going second owner. Tel.: ABI3ey 6585, or Box No. 1…501. 165o) SUCCESSFUL A.750 .FORMULA car. Every mod. Consider exchange or sell, £190 0.11.0. Write for full details. 36. Combe Street, Cleethorpes, I .incs, 1650i

R.-R. 20, 1929, 6-light o/d. saloon. Mechanically excellent and original. Stored many years. Aluminium body sound but neglected. £t to. Seen Gt. Missenden, Bucks. Write : 18, Nnrthamptott Square, P..C.i. Tel.: ClerkellWell 97:11. weekdays. [6563

CONVERSION ENTHUSIASTS take Mprortne_ News every Thursday. Price 6d. Order from your newsagent.

1.95o DELLOW. new engine, v.g.e. Bags of snort, poke and urge-.• f’,23o o,y,n.o. Tel.: UPI. 6373. ROLI.S-ROYCE SILVER GHOST, 1923, 1three door drophead coupe. Mechanically excellent. Body in good condition, roof and upholstery fair. 4:500. Carrington, Orchard House, Woodrow, Chaddesley Corbett.. Worcs. [0500 JAVELIN, 1951, de luxe. Heater. Bodywork ‘and mechanical condition excellent. Series III engine. latest type crank. Taxed Dec. 4295. ‘Eel.:

Shoeburyness 2534. [6823 CITROEN Lag, 1947. Maroon, red leather. Very good condition. Radio, spots, tools. Eno o.n.o.

Bailey. 155, Pier Road, Gillingham, Kent. [6824 M.G. Js 2/4-seater, first-class condition throughout. Recent extensive overhaula engine, clutch, gearbox, axle, etc. Rewired. New tyres, brake linings, etc. Good weather equipment. £70 o.n.o. Warren, Cedarcroft, Tilehouse Road, Guildford, Surrey. Tel.: Guildford 66415. [6825 SINGER LE MANS sports saloon 1936. Mechanically excellent. Body good. £65. Ellis, Royd house, Shelley, Huddersfield. [6826

5932 STANDARD so-hp. One owner. Exceptional. £12. 1937 Packard 25-h.p. New tyres, Sound. £25. 1958 Railton 8-cyl. Repainted. New tyres. Fast. k35. Exchange any. ? 29, Centaur Road, Coventry. [6827

DYNA-PANHARD Zr6, 1959. Alfa red, French imported. Low mileage, 1.h.d. White wall tyres. Radio, etc. Showroom condition. Maintained since new by main distributor. 4675, o.n.o.

Private H.P. available. Entwisle, , Fir Bramhall, Cheshire. Tel. : BRA 2919. 57 Road; LANCIA, 1938, Aprilia, Italian-made Ghia d.h. coup6. New hood. Heater, radio, flame-thrower, large carburetter, tonneau cover. Maintained Lancia experts last seven years. Engine decor bonised, brakes relined, two spare wheels. Perlec condition. Quick sale. £290. Hives, Tudo Close, Sindlesham, Wokingham, Berks. Tel. • Wokingham 698. 16829

1954 TR2, Metallic Green (resprayed 6 months ago).

Reconditioned engine (under 15,cm). 4 good Michelin X tyres, twin spots, heater, new tonneau, and good roof. Licensed to 31/12%60. 4430. Tel.: Kensington 3914. evenings. Haslemere 3747. week-ends. [6511 TR3, ’56, Ivory. X tyres, heater, spots, tonneau, luggage rack. 4600 0.0.0. H.P. possible. 16 Nlaylair. Wollescote, Stourbridge. Tel.: HAL 1770. [6512 ‘947, M.G.TC. Beautiful condition throughout. 11.R.G. Extras. 4’315. Hastings. The Upper Ilmise. Loosley Row, Near Aylesbury. Tel.: Princes Risborough 267. [6513 VOLKSWAGEN DE LUXF, 1953 (late). Excellent condition. Low mileage for year. Two previous owners. Heater. Well below current value especially in this condition. 385. H.P. arranged if required. R. Harris, 182, Fernhill Road, Cowley, Oxford (Sundays). [6514 M.G. TC, 1948. Specimen. Fortune spent. Recoil. engine. Resprayed. Extras : the lot. Call to duty ” Forces” sale. Haggle £330. 152, Grasmere Avenue, Wembley. [6515 1953[, R.M.F. RILEY. Radio, new engine. Gill, tyres. brakes, battery t4,3cio) 9,000 ago. Body interior excellent. 4525. 55, North Manor Way, Wootton, Liverpool. Tel.: Gateacre 2442. [6516 LEA-FRANCIS, 1948, 14-h.p. saloon. Good mechanics, cellulose, chrome; excellent tyres. idy leather interior, heater, spot, wing mirrors, twin fuel pumps. Serviced, taxed. 4155. Tel.: Uplands 7243. [6517 LAGONDA RAPIER, 19.”. Good condition. C Must sell. Nearest 490. C. Beards, 27. Hampton Wellington, Shropshire. Tel.: 1063. (6518 M.G. TC, 194718. Red, hood, tonneau, new seats, new tyres, reconditioned engine and transmission. Sexy exhaust. L310. Pearce, 189, Barrows Lane, Yardley, Birmingham. Tel.: SIB 3487. [6519 MUST CLEAR about 4 tons of Vintage spares for 1750 Alfa, Rolls P.I., Fiat too, etc. Preferably to One buyer. Keeling, Gt. Maplestead, Halstead, Essex. Tel.: Hedingham 281. [6520 WHAT OFFERS single copies Antocor from 1906 to 1920. Also for 1926 Lanchester ” 40″ chassis in good running order. Box No. 1…521. [6521 /927 LANCIA LAMBDA. Mechanically sound, Tyres. brakes, lights good. Body converted to 2-seater before the war. 4170. Further particulars, photos from : D. Berringe, Gunnery School,

Lulworth. (6522 BENTLEY 3!, 1935. Sports saloon by Ranelagh Good mechanically. Body sound. Photographs available. 4200 o.n.o. Young, ” Hurstwood,” Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, Lancs, Tel.: 2012. (6523 M.G. 1I-LITRE tourer, 1949. Reconditioned engine. relined brakes. H.P. terms available. Harvey. 57 Deepdenc Road, Westerton, Bearsden.

Glasgow. Tel.: Bearsden 26t 2. (6524 DELLOW, Mk. III. 214-seater. Black. Fully modified, excellent, 4325 0.0.0. Detail from Box No. 1..525. Or will exchange for Morgan Plus 4. 4-seater, with cash, 1954/55. [6525 JAVELIN, 53. Spent 4too last year. Series 3 crank etc. Oil radiator, heater, radio, new carbs, everything. Must sell, a little Herald calls. £325 o.n.o. Taylor, 9 Kingsbury Road, Curdworth, Nr. Sutton Coldfield. Tel.: Day : B’ham East 2757. Evening Curdworth 55. [6526 RILEY a!, KESTREL, 1938. Overdrive box. Engine iust overhauled. New king pins, brake linings. Body good. t6o o.n.o. Montague Jones, Boldre Grange, Lymington, Hants. [6527 BENTLEY 3-LITRE saloon, £925. New headlining and body. fabric. Good tyres, 2 flew. Bills tor 4440 spent since 1953, almost unused since 1954. £175. Bentley 31-litre Park Ward. Partial overhaul and general checkover Of engine just completed. ‘Tyres, battery nearly new. 4225. Faulkner, 22, Caroline Street, Birmingham. 3. Td.: Central 2139. [6528 MINOR, ’49. Black. Beige upholstery. Recently reconditioned engine. Heater. tyres nearly new. Immaculate condition. LOO o.n.o. Seen : Perry, 20 Onslow Road, Richmond, Surrey. (6529 LEA-FRANCIS 1767 sports saloon. Immaculate. 1947 model. Engineer maintained. New retreads. battery, carburetter, exhaust system. £250. Owner going abroad. Evans, 25 Courtfield Road,

Kensington, S.W.7. (6530 1951, BORGWARD HANSA isoo.

Resprayed Red and cream. Radio, heater, swivel lamp, driving lamp, winking lights. Very economics Full. 6-seater. 5 Cleve,: Lodge Road, Downend. Bristol. 16531 zooE REAR AXLE complete with springs, wheels. and tyres, brakes, etc. LI: tos. Tel.: Woking 1725. 16532 SINGER LE MANS. 2/4-seater. Excellent condition. Hood, sidescreens. live good tyres, twin carburetter. 480. Tel.: BUC 7t09. [6533 ROLLS-ROYCE TOURER, 1926, Hooper. 20-h.p. 4-seater. Excellent condition. History. Mascot Handbook. 1,425. No dealers. Cleveland Cottage, floarwithy. Hereford. 16534 A.C. SALOON, late ;951. Immaculate condition, resprayed, new headlining, carpets, tyres Engine overhaul just completed. 4385. Crawley, 6a, Park Road, Beckenham, Tel.: BEC:kenham 6907. [6535 RILEY FALCON, z3-LITRE, 1935. Excellent condition. £75. Crawley, 6a. Park Road, Becken ham, Kent. Tel.: BECkenham 6907. [6536 FRAZER NASH-B.M.W., 37/326. Pale Blue. Handsome and very fast. £75. Tel.: Mortimer, Mincing Lane 3166. (6537 1936 LG45 LAGONDA sports tourer, in immaculate original condition. Full details from Dean, Clamp l’arm, Newtown, Farcharn, Hants. ‘rel.: Wickham 1166. (6538 MORGAN SUPER SPORTS 3-wheeler (1935.) I.V. water cooled Matchless. £90. 0, H. brown, 21 Curzon Park North. Chester. Tel.: 22975. [6539 MARRIAGE FORCES SALE of excellent M.G. t947, ‘Cc. B.R.O. 4290 o.n.o. 67 Worcester Crescent, Chaddesden, Derby. [6540 ARMSTRONG SIDDELEY, 1935, 20-h.p. saloon. Excellent condition. Good tyres plus three good spares, four inner tubes, spare carburetter. Reversing and fog lights, washers, dashboard lubrication. Insured June. Absolute bargain. 430 o.n.o. Box

No. L.542. [6542 VOLKSWAGEN 1555 DE LUXE, Sun-roof, recon. engine. Excellent condition. Green. ‘480. Or exchange M.G. TC. Box No. L.543. [6543 1959 FORD ASHLEY. New hood, tyres, etc. too’,, complete. Highfield Farm, Slaithwaite,

Huddersfield. [6544 TRIUMPH ROADSTER 1776 c.c., 1947. Good condition, with heater, taxed. £280 o.n.o. R. J. 13. Manor Court Steeple Aston, Oxford. [6545 SHIRLEY, blue fibreglass bodyshell. Detachable hardtop, as advertised CM. sidescreens, mounting lugs on steel substructure. Extras. £140 spent. Accept £75. 22, Beech Drive, Boreham Wood, Herts. [6546 FORCES ABROAD can enjoy Motoring News every week, keeping abreast of Club news, sporting events etc. Every Thursday, Price 6d. Ask about our unique air mail service. 15-17 City Road, London, E.C. r M.G. Ja, rebuilt 1952. Excellent condition. Immaculate TC type body. 4160. Griffiths, 161 Trebanog Road, Porth, Rhondda, Glamorgan. (6547

SPRIGHTLY FORD SPECIAL. Most attractive full width alloy body with coupe top. hydraulics. Unusually well finished and equipped. Economical and reliable. Must be seen. ‘Reasonable price to good home. Webb, 39 Braemar Road, Leamington Spa. Tel.: 2971. 16548 /172 BUCKLER oo, 1956. Buckler hie. head twin, carb. manifold, ” C” cr. gears, 4.7 c.w.o., detachable hard-top, full instruments, recent .490 overhaul, suitable comp. or touring. £375. Wilson, 6, Annandale Rd., Addiscombe, Surrey, [6549 DELLOW, 2953, reconditioned engine, warmed up, Bargain. £250. Terms. Moolenaar, 68, Elm Rcl., Leigh-on-Sea, Essex. (6550 MORGAN 411 1938 Climax. Sound except ifs. needs rebus ing. £to. Write, G. Smithers, it, The Terrace, H.M. Dockyard, Chatham, Kent. (6551 M.G. TA, r939. Resprayed red, new hood, sidescreens, spots, transistor radio. Reconditioned engine, shocks, springs, wheels. Rechromed radiator, lamps. £250. R. Hall, 398. Tonbridge Road, Maidstone, Kent. [6552 ROLLS-ROYCE, 20-h.p. 2-seater drophead cabriolet 1929. Downton Engineering reconditioned engine, etc. 6,000 miles ago, and in good condition throughout. Not for sale before May ist. Dr. Williamson, Nettlebed, Oxon. [6553 ALVIS 4.3 (i939). This lint Car has stood in shed for three years awaiting completion of very extensive and expensive rebuild. Owner reluctantly realises time for work will never be found and will sell or swap for car for wife. Box No. L.554. (6554 CONNAUGHT L3/SR, 1,767 c.C. Ex-McAlpine team car. Resprayed in 13.R.G., immaculate in every way. R.5 ‘s engine completely overhauled to competition standard, special cams, everything polished, matched and balanced, uo b.h.p. at 5,500. 28 mpg.. .g. too m.p.h. plus in present dettmed Trimmed., rimmed, lined and carpeted throughout. New tonneau, full weather equipment. Cost £1,500 new. Bargain at .C625 o.n.o. Full history and details from II. W. Cooper. 38, Nresterham Drive, Sidcup, Kent, Tel.: 13EX 6538. [6555 VOLKSWAGEN, registered 1953, r.h.d. 4t95 or exchange Javelin. Sharratt, 12, Spring Lane, Mapperley Plains, Nottingham. 16556

IMMACULATE RED PWM.G. Fitted 13.93A engine, M.G. gearbox. Completely rebuilt last summer. t 8 extras. 1:18o o. n .o. (:orrespondence or inspection welcome. evenings/Weekends. ‘Tucker. 5, Milton Close, Headless Cross, Redditch, Worcs. (6557

ROLLS-ROYCE 1933 (Dec.), 20/25 Sports Sun. saloon by Hooper. Black, fawn upholstery. Laid up war years and Sept. ’48-Sept. ’52. Mileage 82,000. Two owners and full history. 4,325 o.n.o. Cross. Court House, Cuckfield, Sus5e, TO.: 67. [6558

1947 VOLKSWAGEN, I.h.d. Reconditioned engine. body inelegant but sound. £180. Available April lath. I.TCDR Sharp, H.M.S. Dolphin. Gosport. Td.: 80654 (after 4 P.m.). M.G. 1937 VA coup& Breaking up. All spares available. Write, Hammond, 11, Strood Road,

St. Leonardo, Sussex. (6560 ROLLS 20, 1929, Park Ward touring saloon. ‘tools, mascot, handbook. Superb condition. Offers. Tel.: VIG 8957 (Surrey). (6561 LAGONDA 16/80 2-litre parts : 16/8o engine, ./,’,15; front axle and steering gear, Ls; .set springs, 44; 18-in. wheels, 301. each: E.N.V. iio gearbox, Liz; chassis frame free with any of above, but buyer removes, sundry other items. Dallas, 125, Jockey Road, Sutton Goldfield, Warwickshire. [6562 i50, FORD SPECIAL. Neat, nippy. Gray. 331. Main Road, Kesgrave, Ipswich, Su

1927 LEA-FRANCIS 12140. 4-Str. tourer. Completely original. Excellent mechanically, body eoneours condition, complete history, photos. £120. Ringrose, 17, Littledown Road, Bournemouth.

ASHLEY FORD. 1958 750 body c/w hard-top, screens, etc. Recon. 1,172 engine, ” 8 ” head, M.G. gearbox, boxed and tubularised Austin frame, hydraulics, Ulster suspension, 15 x 400. 16 x 525 wheels, crossflow, pump, header, l’.700’s, flashers, instruments, carpeting, boot £175.

Tel.: I3uckhurst 4909 (after 7). [6565 HEALEY, Abbott foursome convertible. Radio, heater, late 1951, ivory and blue, superb car. £375. 45. Shirehall Park, N.W.4. ‘rel.: Hendon 7755. 193o MORRIS ISIS Six saloon, excellent con(6566 new tyres, battery, superb engine, manual.

taxed year. £45. Tel.: Elmbridge 5944. [6567 1959 2-SEATERSports, special rebuild. Full rally equipment and spares. 70 m.p.h., 46 m.p.g. What offers ? Hall, zo. Pine Gardens, Surbiton, Surrey. Tel.: Elmbridge 3805. [6568 M.G. TD, 1952. New engine 14,00o miles, now

K.L. 9 extras. Genuine, excellent eon. RP. arranged. £460. Tel.: Godalming zo6 (Sussex). [6569 OFFERS WANTED. 1931 Rolls-Royce Phantom 11. with limousine body. Engine needs slight attention. ‘ryres, etc., good. 46. Bath Street, Nottingham. (6570 RILEY NINE, 1929. Rebuild incomplete. but chassis, engine, good, 415; Also 1936 Vauxhall DX, engine fair, chassis, body, good, four almost new tyres. 435. Tel.: Hurstway 3286.

RILEY SPARES. Breaking : 1933 Alpine 162779 6: 1935 Monaco: 1936 Merlin 9, also large quantity 9-ehr.tps.. spares and some competition parts. S.A.E. for leg 9 s. B. Kcnnion, , Greenways, Hertford. H [6580 1933 LAGONDA M45 tourer. Excel. chassis, new hood, green. Haggle about £160. Marshall, Tel.: CRO 0400 (night); THO 3473 (day). [6581 UNFINISHED SPECIAL. Singer o.h.v. engine, 4-speed gearbox. Needs body. Clarke. Lower Hook. Tel.: 1405. [6582 M.G. TA, :937, red. Good order, well shod, telescopic