

A new make of car joined the ranks of British cars last month. Called the Gordon GM. after its backer, it uses a Chevrolet Corvette engine in a chassis designed by J. D. S. Keeble and is clothed with bodywork by Bertone of Turin. With this specification the Gordon is obviously not intended for the popular market and its provisional retail price of between £2,500 and £2,750 puts it in the luxury class.

Despite this, fairly large-scale production is contemplated mainly with a view to entering the American market. An order has been placed with Bertone for 1,000 bodies at the rate of 20 per week, a large proportion of which will be designed for left-hand drive. With de Dion rear suspension and an engine giving 230 b.h.p. in-” cooking” form, the Gordon should be quite an interesting motor car. It will be made by Peerless Motors Ltd.. of Bath Road, Slough, Bucks. This company should not be confused with Peerless Cars Ltd., who made the Peerless G.T. Peerless Cars are now in financial difficulties and the G.T. model is out of production.