Gadget glut



This character Jack Kelly, Jnr., has only just started collecting gadgets so far as I am concerned. Yes. I can beat his list.

The car is a 1936 Ford V8 drophead coupé and listed below are the gadgets hung in and about it.

Eleven badges–A.A., Redex Car Club, National Benzole. Automobile Club de Cannes, R.I.A.C., two St. Christopher, Burma Star Association, R.A.F.A.., Staines Stock Car Supporters.’ Club, Goodwood Badge.

Two flags—Wide World Brotherhood, Staines Stock Car supporters’ Club.

Fourteen transfers advertising various petrols, oils, clubs etc.

Kerb finders.

Rally plates.

Driving light.

Outside mirror.

Reversing knob on steering wheel

Klaxon horn, sports horn.

Bugle horn.

Wolf whistle.

Route indicator, windscreen washer, accelerator pedal.

Two extra ashtrays.

Brake-test meter, thermometer, compass.

National Hot Rod Association emblem on windscreen, sun vizor with make-up mirror.

Two-gallon petrol can attached to rear of car.

Exhaust ejector, earthing chain, four reflectors.

Reflector tape on rear bumpers.

Engine has generator fitted, Zenith fuel filter.

Vacuum tank for wipers, plug holder and bulb case fitted to scuttle.

Inspection lamp, spare oil tin.

Initials on doors.

Adverts for stock-car racing on a board at the back.

Fire extinguisher. vacuum gauge, St. Christopher badge on dashboard.

Jaguar seat covers, map board and pins for touring, Perspex map holder, cup holder fat picnics.

Chromium-and-glass bird mascot on bonnet.

Six stars—three each side of bonnet. The name “The Heap” painted in red either side of the radiator in letters about 1 in. high.

As well as this the dashboard contains notices about adjusting your dress before leaving,” keeping quiet when someone else is doing the driving, and similar gags. Grab handle, map measurer, and map-reading light.

The wife says it looks like a Christmas tree, small boys love it, and even adults stand and stare and scratch their heads when confronted with it. In spite of all the extra weight, the petrol consumption is about the same as before the gadgets were added.

I am, Yours, etc.,

V. Outen – Lee Green.

[This correspondence is now definitely closed!—Ed.]