Dawson details



The Dawson car, I remember, was made by a Jack Dawson, who came from Wolverhampton and at one time was works manager at the Hillman Motor Car Co., FoIley Lane, Coventry.

He was fortunate enough to make contact with F. Neale, a real “πr2” engineer, who designed the car throughout and which, according to report, was far ahead of its time. Sorry I cannot give you any mechanical details, because at that time I was engaged by the parent company of Hillmans. Unfortunately, Dawson and his merry men ran out of funds. So he (Dawson) got into touch with some honest moneylenders in Birmingham, where they were as welcome as a flitch of bacon in a synagogue, resulting in the total collapse of the whole scheme.

I think it was a very regrettable conclusion, and Neale went to America and Dawson to Australia, since when I have lost all trace of them. As you remark in your footnote, very few were made and I only regret I am unable to give Mr. Dawson the information he requires.

I am, Yours, etc.,

Frederick W. Relph – St. Helens.