Surrey Sporting Motor Club


Many entries arrived for this event and the Paddock was as crowded as it generally is on a large club race meeting in mid-season. The competitors were scheduled to run in pairs starting at 12.30 p.m., and after a late start the Austin Seven Specials set off on the stipulated three laps, the cars being separated from each other by half a lap.


750 Formula: R. D. Lee (L.R.M.) 3 min. 58.6 sec.

1,172 Formula: R. N. Prior (Lotus) 3 min. 35.2 sec.

Up to 1,100 c.c., open: I. Raby (Cooper) 3 min. 17.2 sec.

Up to 1,100 c.c., closed: J. M. Sparrowe (M.G.) 3 min. 45.0 sec.

Up to 1,500 c.c., open: I. Raby (Cooper) 3 min. 13.4 sec.

Up to 1,500 c.c., closed: P. Gammon (Ford) 3 min. 53.0 sec.

Up to 2,000 c.c., open: I. Raby (Cooper) 3 min. 14.6 sec.


Kentish Border C.C. Johnson Trial (March 10th)

Admirable spring weather heralded one of the final trials of the season, the Kentish Border C.C. Johnson Trial held near Maidstone.

K. Dadswell was the outright winner, with D. F. Bailey and P. Barden gaining the team award. Most of the trial was held in a dark pit between trees and later in the day cars were to be seen charging their way through the undergrowth in a most alarming manner. Some of the early hills proved to be really tough for most of the cars but as time went on very few failed to reach near to the summits, especially after the earlier cars had scraped away the mud and wet leaves which adorned parts of the courses in the earlier stages.


Premier Award (“J. B. Taylor” Cup): K. Dadswell.

First-Class Award: D. Bailey.

Second-Class Award: G. J. Newman.

Best Opposite Class:  H. V. Payne.

Team Award: D. F. Bailey and P. A. Barden.