Quiz -- new style


A reader sent in the following Quiz with solutions in a sealed envelope and the Editor, swelling out his chest, wrote answers down at once and scored 2-1/2 out of 5. You may care to “have a go.” Solutions in the May issue:

1. A very small car. An air-pump was driven from the rear of the camshaft. A forward movement of the gear-lever gave top gear.

2. An even smaller four-wheeler. Cable and bobbin steering. No reverse. Rear engine.

3. Had f.w.b. but no r.w.b. Ran at Le Mans.

4. O.H.C. four-cylinder. Cylinder-head a complete dry-faced joint to block: no gasket. Two-litre but paid more tax than 3-litre Bentley.

5 (Difficult). Four-cylinder; copper water jackets: o.h.c. valves, detachable, complete with seatings; two magnetos driven from cross-shaft at base of o.h.c. drive: two foot brakes (internal expanding on rear wheels, and transmission brake), and hand brake (external contracting on rear wheels).