A Sunbeam through the fog


Character Cars of Wimbledon recently put on a clever demonstration of the fact that used cars, even if twenty years old, can be both reliable and reasonably speedy. They took a customer’s 1933 20.9-h.p. Sunbeam saloon and motored it 3,300 miles round this Island. The intention was to average at least 30 m.p.h. but fog defeated this aim, holding the travellers up for 19 hours in Wales. Nevertheless, the Sunbeam managed 27.8 m.p.h., all other stops included, gave no trouble of any sort, and its sump required topping up on two occasions only. This average, over a distance greater than that faced by Monte Carlo competitors, in a comfortable almost-vintage car, is highly praiseworthy. If Character Cars continue to deal in vehicles of this condition and calibre they are assured of a stream of satisfied clients into and out of their South London premises. —W. B.