Much Water down at Lightwater


It seems that even Nature is intent upon damping the spirits of the H.L.M. at Whinlands, and it isn’t only their spirits that are getting damp. There’s water everywhere, and still more coming from the skies. The last quarter-mile of the approach road is confidently recommended to prospective trials organisers. The recent gale added to the trouble and neatly removed many of the trees planted to screen the works from the eyes of those unfortunate people who “just don’t understand motor cars.” However, it’s an ill wind that blows a saxophone, and at least the place is no longer surrounded by large blocks of ice.

With the restoration of the power, work is once more in full swing, though most people’s motoring plans have been retarded considerably, and work going on in the secret corner of Whinlands Works has been put back by at least six weeks. Much burning of the midnight oil is going on to try to make up the lost time, and it is fortunate that the secret of “life without sleep” was solved a long time ago down at Lightwater.

Pat Whittet & Co. Whinlands Works, MacDonald Road, Lightwater, Surrey Telephone: Bagshot 338