Even More Going on Down at Lightwater


Is this possible, you ask? For reply, you have only to pay a visit to that hive of industry and see all those Happy Little Men scrambling over massive great Bentleys, or diving headlong into the works of Delahayes. From time to time, a nice clean drawing appears, marking the birth of some new idea which may revolutionise the entire Motor Industry — or possibly not. Excited little men pore over it, and after a period of furious discussion, rush off with yelps of delight to add to an extremely unorthodox chassis, or to one of the more normal sports cars, the latest results of hours spent over the drawing board, and much frantic operation of special pressure-lubricated slide rules.

Both racing and sports cars are being prepared for the coming season, and some will be taking part in Big Events. This will give some of the Happy L.M. a chance to reappear in the Pits after an absence of six years.

Only the very highest quality of workmanship is allowed at Whinlands Works, and this, coupled with the atmosphere of really genuine interest, should lead you motoring enthusiasts to the obvious conclusion that when your car needs attention, you should take it Down To Lightwater.

To Cowell, Whittet & Co.
Whinland Works, Macdonald Road, Litghtwater, Surrey Tel. : Bagshot 338