The Fund Is Now A Reality



The big news of this month in motor-racing is undoubtedly the launching of the British Motor Racing Fund. Backed by a strong list of distinguished names, a fine advisory committee and four respected trustees, it deserves the immediate and whole-hearted support of everyone who takes the slightest interest in the sport.

When one considers the vast stuns of money asked for and obtained on behalf of other causes, the £8,000 appealed for by the British Motor Racing Fund does seem a mere bagatelle. Whether this view is based on a just assessment of the enthusiasm for motorracing in this country—strictly limited as that undoubtedly is—or whether it is likely to be utterly confounded by a lack of response, only time can tell. The attendance of 61,000 at the Donington Grand Prix last year is tempting but misleading as a guide to the number of real enthusiasts who are likely to contribute to the Fund. It is almost impossible to gauge how many of that concourse of people take a regular interest in motor-racing, and how many simply

regarded it as a unique spectacle which they did not want to miss. After all, everyone who goes to the Air Pageant (or rather who went) is not necessarily keen on flying.

On the other hand, the fact that nearly forty motor clubs have agreed to bring the Fund to the notice of their members is distinctly encouraging, and should go a long way towards bringing up the subscriptions to the required total. There has been some dissatisfaction among many enthusiasts that the Fund should be limited to supporting the to the exclusion of other marques. To them it is worth pointing out that the leaflet describing the Fund mentions that it is designed

“to assist British Motor Racing and, in particular, E.R.A.” Without wishing to anticipate in any way the possible decisions of the Trustees, we see no reason why other firms should not benefit from the Fund if and when it surpasses in extent the ,.8,000 required to maintain the E.R.A. team. If this should be so— and, we repeat it is purely supposition on our part, and cannot be taken as an indication of what the Trustees may decide—the thing to do is for everyone to give as much in excess of the minimum as he possibly can.

In fact, we believe we are right in saying that the 0,000 asked for should not be regarded as the limit. The more money available, the stronger the team will be—at any rate up to a certain point. After that point has been reached, it may well be that funds will be available for other firms who have been courageous enough to build racing-cars. Now that the British Motor Racing Fund has actually taken shape, our previous efforts to obtain some indication of the possible support for such a fund must

necessarily fall into abeyance. Without giving precise details, we can safely say that the response to our appeal has been sufficiently encouraging to warrant our having the greatest confidence in the ultimate success of the British Motor Racing Fund.

All that remains now is to thank the hundreds of readers who have responded to our own appeal, and to add our plea to that of the organisers of the Fund for action. And, may we add, let your action be immediate and generous, for on it may depend the representation of Britain in Grand Prix racing—should the possibility of the 1,500 c.c. limit being used become an actuality.