

The Vintage Sports-Car NVelsh

Rally on March 25th and 26th marked another step forward in the revival of Edwardian motoring, since it is thought to have been the first road event for 1904.14 machines—certainly of any size— to be run in this country. The immense enthusiasm displayed by the participants also augurs well for the future.

There was also a class for ” modern ” vintage cars and the two classes together drew twenty-seven entries. C Windsor Richards brought the racing 80/98 in really magnificent Condition and, on the aggregate marking of the rally, appearance competition and trial he won the event. Joan Richmond had come an immense journey on her very fine 8th series Lancia and was second on aggregate. Among other competitors was Fitzpatrick with a 1926 supercharged Phantom I Rolls-Royce which he sportingly drove through the trial and took fourth

place. This car has about the same performance as a Phantom III and has the world’s very largest compressing plant. In the pre-war class Col. Clutton travelled furthest-227 miles—in his 1910 Fafnir and close to him was Bradshaw’s immaculate 1908, 14-1itre sleeve valve Daimler, with 216 miles. In addition to the Rally, there was an appearance competition and a hill-climbing test, the Daimler coming out top on aggregate with the Fafnir second. Among other competitors was Dick Caesar on a 1912 Belsize, Anthony Heal, driving Anthony Mills’ 1907, 71-litre Renault, resplendent in a magnificent coat of red paint, and Forrest Lycett with his Alfonzo Hispano-Suiza. Heal made the best ascent of the hill. Perhaps the most sporting effort of all was John SethSmith, who drove his 1908, 1i-litre, single-cylinder Sizaire Naudin 180 miles. This is a most difficult and tiring car to

conduct and he arrived in a largely exhausted condition. Nine Edwardians started and finished, covering, in all, over 1,500 miles, entirely trouble-free, except for a leaking petrol tank on the Suiza. In the modern’s trial, the course was dry and there were few failures, though some of the hills were steeper than 1 in

3. Quite one of the best motoring weekends for a long time.