

Those thirty-five or so readers of MOTOR SPORT who supported the suggestion, published exclusively in the February issue, that an Austin Seven Club, to be known as the 750 Club, should be formed, will be glad to learn that 4t. a meeting at Willesden on March 29th, this Club came into being. P. H. Hunter, of 39, Warlands Road, Plumstead, S.E.18 was elected Hon. Secretary. A provisional committee was formed, composed of A. W. Butler, J. C. Brown, S. Head, G. C. Kipps, F. J. Brymer, F. Williams and W. Boddy. It was agreed that the Club be open to all Austin Seven owners, particularly owners of sports models, including late-type saloons, and that Austin Eight and Big Seven owners be admitted. It was further agreed that an Associate Membership group should be open to owners of any make of car, and particularly to owners of other makes of 8 h.p. cars, such as Morris Minor, Singer Junior, M-type M.G., Gwynne 8, Talbot 8/18, etc. The annual subscription was agreed at 7/6 in both categories, with no entry fee. Associate members will not be able to compete in every competitive event, but otherwise will enjoy full privileges. The Club aims at running sane trials suited to 750 c.c. cars, and of holding “jumble sale” evenings, as model railway clubs have done for years, for the purpose of exchanging and selling Austin parts, the static design of the famous Seven lending scope to this scheme. The Club is negotiating for the use of a small hall in South London for this purpose. An attractive car-badge is in hand and will, it is hoped, sell at 2/6. The Club proposes to hold a Rally on Sunday, April 16th or 22nd, starting from the Viginia Water Tea House at 3 p.m. and concluding at the same place for tea at 5 p.m. after a follow-my-leader run. All prospective members and friends will be welcome. The Club is at the moment in the hands of W. Boddy and P. H. Hunter and the aforementioned committee, officers will be elected and rules framed, in due course. Applications for membership and full particulars are available from : P. H. Hunter, 39,

Warland Road, S.E.18. The Club will expressly cater for the impecunious enthusiast and hopes to hold some novel social meetings and sound competitive events that will justify its existence as something more than “just another motor club.”