mercedes build




AT last the rumours which for months past have been flying about concerning a 11-1itre Mercedes-Benz racing-car have been fulfilled, by a definite announcement from the factory that cars of this type have been built, and that two of them will run in. the Tripoli race on May 7th.

No details concerning the new cars were available at the time of going to press, but it is believed that they employ supercharged eight-cylinder engines. The official announcement states that for “first line races” under the present formula Mercedes-Benz will continue to make use of the 3-litre models. Under Grand Prix conditions, the new ii-litre cars would equally be eligible, with a minimum weight of 10 cwt. against 16.69 cwt. for the 3-litre cars. The Tripoli race, however, is this year reserved for 1k-litre cars, and with the appearance of the new ” Mercs.” it is all the greater pity that England will not be represented by the E.R.A.s. Indeed, It is doubtful whether Raymond Mays’ back, injured recently while skiing in Switzerland, would have recovered sufficiently by that time. Mays was a spectator at the British Empire Trophy Race,

and few realise how serious the injury was. He was hit by an iron point, and received severe shock, the effects of which are still troublesome.

“B. Bira,” who at one time was likely to enter Tripoli, has now decided against it, and should be seen instead in the International Trophy. At Tripoli there will therefore be a straight fight between the new German cars and the Italian Maseratis and Alfa-Romeos. In announcing the new car, the Mercedes people state that they are entering a field reserved for several years for Great Britain and Italy, and that they realise the difficult task which they are

undertaking. Their appearance gives greater point than ever to the British Motor Racing Fund, which received its official send-off at the Empire Trophy Race.