The 8 Litre BENTLEY



Helmets to match … … … 7/6 White drill suits, zip front, button legs and ankles, lightweight drill .. .. 22/White drill suits, zip fronts, open legs … 17/6 White drill suits, button front, and open legs . . … … .. … … 13/6. Racing suits zip front in coloured drill, unshrinkable. Red, Bugatti blue, navy, black, green … … … … … 2771/66

Helmets to match … .. . Racing suits in the wonderful Grenfell cloth. Colours, black, blue, grey, green, red, maroon, white, cream, gold, fawn, biscuit, turquoise. Zip front, zip legs and sleeves, side pockets … .. … 65/ Helmets double material to match . 10/White unbleached suits, button front, all round belt .. … … … 8/6, 12/6 WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN ALL RACING EQUIPMENT AND ACTUAL MANUFAC TURERS

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